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From Biden to the Pope, the leaders Modi met and why Firstpost

From Biden to the Pope, the leaders Modi met and why Firstpost


Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to India on Saturday after attending the outreach session of the Group of Seven (G7) summit in southern Italy.

The summit is held in the sumptuous seaside resort of Borgo Egnazia, in the Puglia region.

This was Modi's first foreign trip after he was sworn in for his third consecutive term as prime minister.

While the G7 was in session, it had many successful bilateral meetings with world leaders.

He called the recently concluded Indian elections “the biggest celebration of democracy in the world” and called his “historic victory” a “victory of democracy” and “a victory of the entire democratic world.”

Together, we aim to create effective solutions that will benefit the global community and create a better world for future generations. I thank the people and government of Italy for their warm hospitality, the Indian leader said in a message hours before the meetings.

He also reiterated the concerns and priorities of countries in the South, which are bearing the brunt of global uncertainties and tensions.

Bilateral meetings

Giorgia Meloni

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister held bilateral talks with his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni during which they discussed trade, energy, defense and security cooperation and telecommunications.

He also expressed hope for further strengthening collaboration among defense industries.

G7 Summit: Modi and Meloni

Emmanuel Macron

In their fourth meeting in a year, Prime Minister Modi said he had an excellent discussion with French President Emmanuel Macron.

They discussed how to further strengthen the strategic alliance.

Since taking office earlier this month, Modi's meeting with Macron is his first formal bilateral meeting with a world leader.

Joe Biden

Modi also had a separate meeting with US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the G7 meeting.

It's always a pleasure to meet @POTUS @JoeBiden. India and the United States will continue to work together to promote global good, the Indian leader said.

The conversation comes nearly seven months after America claimed there was an Indian link to an attempted assassination of Sikh separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New York.

Rishi Sunak

During their meeting, Prime Minister Modi reiterated his intention to strengthen the strategic alliance between India and the United Kingdom during the third term of his administration.

There are great opportunities to deepen ties in sectors such as semiconductors, technology and trade. We also talked about further strengthening ties in the defense sector, Modi wrote.

The meeting of the two leaders was deemed “fruitful” by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also held a bilateral meeting with his British counterpart Rishi Sunak. According to the MEA, the two leaders took stock of the progress made in the ongoing FTA negotiations. PTI

Volodymyr Zelensky

During their discussion, Modi informed Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, that “dialogue and diplomacy” are the path to peace and that India would continue to use all its resources to promote a peaceful resolution of the situation in Ukraine.

The 73-year-old leader informed Zelensky during their meeting that India favored a “human-centric” strategy to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

The two leaders also discussed the upcoming peace conference in Switzerland for Ukraine. The Ukrainian president expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister for sending a high-level team to the conclave which took place this weekend in Switzerland.

Pope Francis

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pope Francis warmly embraced each other during the outreach session of the G7 summit, where they joined other world leaders to deliberate on the theme of artificial intelligence, energy, Africa and the Mediterranean.

Prime Minister Modi was seen in a light-hearted exchange with the 87-year-old head of the global Catholic Church, who was wheeled around the table in a wheelchair to greet world leaders gathered at the summit venue, Borgo Egnazia.

The Argentine pope was also invited to India by the Indian leader, who expressed admiration for the pontiff's dedication to serving the people.

Ahead of the national general elections, Modi and the BJP made multiple representations to the Christian population, particularly in Kerala.

Justin Trudeau

Modi spoke to Canada's Justin Trudeau amid heightened tensions between the two countries following the killing of Khalistan separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar last year.

They were observed greeting each other during his contact with Trudeau. Details of what happened between Modi and Trudeau are not yet available.

Fumio Kishida

The Prime Minister also spoke with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida, where they discussed the importance of a “peaceful, secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific”.

Our nations look forward to working together in defense, technology, semiconductors, clean energy and digital technology. We also want to strengthen ties in terms of infrastructure and cultural ties, the Prime Minister said.

Olaf Scholz

During his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Modi discussed the strategic partnership between India and Germany and how both countries can contribute significantly to global growth.

Today's interaction with Chancellor Scholz was very productive. The India-Germany strategic partnership can play a major role in promoting inclusive and sustainable global growth, Modi wrote on X.

Other leaders

Prime Minister Modi also met UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoan and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates in margin of the G7.

His address

During the awareness session on AI and Energy, Africa and the Mediterranean, Prime Minister Modi said that to create an inclusive society and contribute to the eradication of social inequalities, the global community must work to translate technological monopoly into widespread use.

He added that India would cooperate with other countries to ensure that artificial intelligence is accountable, transparent, equitable, safe and accessible.

According to the Prime Minister, India bases its energy strategy on four principles: acceptability, affordability, accessibility and availability.

G7 countries commit to promoting India-Middle East-Europe strategic economic corridor

He stressed that countries in the South face particular challenges and are most affected by global unrest and tensions.

During his speech, the Prime Minister also spoke about the recent Lok Sabha elections, calling the historic triumph a “victory of democracy” and “blessings” bestowed on India by its citizens.

The world's largest democratic exercise took place in India between April 19 and June 1, in seven phases, and the Prime Minister used some statistics in his speech to highlight the magnitude.

With the contribution of agencies




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