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Chinese PM promises more pandas, urges Australia to put problems aside | World News

Chinese PM promises more pandas, urges Australia to put problems aside |  World News


Chinese Premier Li Qiang's visit to Australia on Sunday focused on positive aspects of the bilateral relationship, including the sharing of giant pandas and the rebound in the wine trade, as he promised a new breeding pair of rare bears and urged the two countries to put aside their differences.

China's most powerful leader after President Xi Jinping arrived Saturday evening in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia state, which produces most of the Australian wine entering China since tariffs were lifted cripples in March, which effectively ended a A$1.2 billion ($790 million) deal. ) one year of exchange since 2020.

Li visited Adelaide Zoo, home to Chinese-born giant pandas Wang Wang and Fu Ni since 2009, before having lunch at a restaurant at Adelaide winery Penfolds Magill Estate.

He announced that the zoo would receive two additional pandas after their return to China in November.

China will soon provide another pair of equally beautiful, lively, cute and younger pandas to Adelaide Zoo, and continue cooperation on giant pandas between China and Australia, Li said in Mandarin, adding that the Zoo staff would be asked to “pick” a pair.

Li was impressed by the appetite and indifference of Wang Wang, an 18-year-old man, toward his high-ranking visitors.

The panda is very obsessed with eating and doesn't pay attention to us, even when we are people from his hometown visiting, Li said in the panda enclosure.

She completely treated here like her second hometown, Li said. “Very pretty, adorable, charmingly naive.

The pair are the only pandas in the southern hemisphere and have failed to produce offspring in Australia.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong thanked Li for ensuring the pandas remained the zoo's star attraction.

It's good for the economy, it's good for jobs in South Australia, it's good for tourism and it's a signal of goodwill, and we thank you, Wong said.

Tom King, chief executive of Penfolds, one of Australia's oldest wineries, told Chinese state media before Li's arrival that such visits helped strengthen economic and cultural ties.

It is satisfactory to see the stabilization of relations between the Australian and Chinese governments, including regular high-level visits between the two countries, King was quoted as saying by the Global Times newspaper last week.

Li's visit is the first to Australia by a Chinese prime minister in seven years and marks an improvement in relations since the election of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's center-left Labor Party in 2022.

Li noted that Albanese in November was the first Australian prime minister to visit China since 2016.

China-Australia relations are back on track after a period of ups and downs, generating tangible benefits for the people of both countries, Li said, according to a translation released by the Chinese Embassy in Australia on Sunday.

History has proven that mutual respect, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, and mutually beneficial cooperation constitute valuable experience in the development of China-Australia relations and should be maintained and pursued, Mr. Li added.

Hundreds of pro-China protesters, human rights defenders and democracy activists gathered outside the zoo ahead of Li's visit.

Among the protesters was former Hong Kong MP Ted Hui, who fled to Australia three years ago to avoid prison time for his activism. He said the panda offer was a cynical move aimed at softening China's image and diverting attention from the government's human rights failings.

This is a public relations move by the Chinese regime and, unfortunately, the Australian government is reciprocating by welcoming him and shaking his hand, Hui said.

Hui said Li showed cowardice by entering the zoo through a back entrance when most of the protesters and China supporters had gathered at the main entrance. But Hui and other protesters were able to shout slogans at Li from a distance inside the zoo.

China has initiated a reset of its relations after the end of the previous conservative government's nine years in power.

Relations have collapsed over legislation banning covert foreign interference in Australian politics, the exclusion of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from the rollout of the national 5G network due to security concerns and the call of Australia to independent inquiry into causes and responses to COVID. -19 pandemic.

Beijing imposed a series of official and unofficial trade blockages in 2020 on a range of Australian exports, including coal, wine, beef, barley and timber, which cost up to A$20 billion ( 13 billion dollars) per year.

All trade bans have now been lifted, with the exception of Australian live lobster exports. Commerce Minister Don Farrell predicted that this obstacle would also be removed soon after Li's visit with Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao.

Wong said Li's visit was the result of two years of very deliberate and patient work by this government to achieve a stabilization of relations and work towards removing trade barriers.

We will cooperate where we can, disagree where necessary and engage in our national interest, Wong told Australian Broadcasting Corp. before joining Li for lunch.

Li's agenda becomes more controversial after he left Adelaide on Sunday evening for meetings in the national capital, Canberra, on Monday and at a Chinese-controlled lithium processing plant in the resource-rich state of Western Australia Tuesday.

Albanese said he would raise with Li at an annual leaders' meeting recent clashes between the two countries' militaries in the South China Sea and Yellow Sea, which Australia says is putting Australian personnel at risk.

Albanese will also discuss the fate of Chinese-born Australian democracy blogger Yang Hengjun, who was given a suspended death sentence by a Beijing court in February. Australia is also concerned about dual Hong Kong-Australian national Gordon Ng, who was among 14 pro-democracy activists convicted by a Hong Kong court last month for national security offenses.

Li's visit to Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia's processing plant south of Western Australia's capital Perth will highlight China's interest in investment in critical minerals. The plant produces battery-grade lithium hydroxide for electric vehicles.

Australia shares US concerns about China's dominance in critical minerals, which are essential components of the global transition to renewable energy sources.

Citing Australia's national interests, Treasurer Jim Chalmers recently ordered five China-linked companies to divest their shares in rare earth mining company Northern Minerals.

Asked if Chinese companies could invest in critical mineral processing in Australia, Wong said Australia's foreign investment framework was open to all.

We want to develop our essential minerals industry, Wong said.

Australia is the second stop on Li's tour after New Zealand and will end in Malaysia.




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