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G7 Summit PM Modi returns to Delhi from Italy after attending global meeting | News from India

G7 Summit PM Modi returns to Delhi from Italy after attending global meeting |  News from India


Modi, Narendra Modi

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had invited India as a “proximity country” during the G7 summit held in the Italian region of Puglia from July 13-15. (Photo: PTI)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to New Delhi on Saturday after concluding his first foreign trip of his third term after attending the G7 summit in Italy.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had invited India as a “proximity country” during the G7 summit held in the Italian region of Puglia from July 13-15.

“We had a very productive day at the G7 Summit in Puglia. We interacted with world leaders and discussed various topics. Together we aim to create effective solutions that will benefit the global community and create a better world for future generations,” PM Modi wrote in a statement. post on X, after finishing the visit.

“I thank the Italian people and government for their warm hospitality,” he added.

The summit brought together the seven member countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and France, as well as the European Union.

At the G7 summit, Prime Minister Modi reiterated India's commitment to upholding the well-being of the Global South, emphasizing the importance of Africa in global affairs. He highlighted India's commitment to close ties with Africa, citing the historic moment when the African Union became a permanent member of the G20 during India's presidency.

Prime Minister Modi addressed the G7 Outreach Session on AI and Energy, Africa and the Mediterranean, touching on various topics including the transformative role of technology in human progress.

“Speaked at the G7 awareness session on AI and energy, in Africa and the Mediterranean. He highlighted a wide range of topics, including the large-scale use of technology to human progress. The rise of technology in various aspects of human life has also reaffirmed the importance of cybersecurity He explained how India is leveraging AI for its development. transparent, secure, accessible and accountable,” PM Modi said in an article on X.

He highlighted the importance of cybersecurity in light of the widespread use of technology and highlighted India's efforts to leverage AI for development while ensuring transparency, security, accessibility and accountability. On the energy front, Prime Minister Modi outlined India's approach focusing on availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability.

He reaffirmed India's commitment to meeting its commitments at the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (CoP) ahead of schedule and highlighted India's efforts to transition towards a green and sustainable era based on the principles of Mission LiFE. Furthermore, Prime Minister Modi highlighted the 'Ek Ped Ma Ke Naam' campaign aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and making the planet more habitable for future generations.

“When it comes to energy, India's approach is based on availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability. We strive to fulfill our CoP commitments before the designated period. India is striving to usher in a green era, based on the principles of Mission LiFE also highlighted the 'Ek Ped Ma Ke Naam' campaign to make our planet more sustainable,” PM Modi said in an article on x.

On the sidelines of the G7 summit, Prime Minister Modi held bilateral meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He also interacted with US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Pope Francis.

(Only the title and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

First publication: June 15, 2024 | 11:57 a.m. EAST




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