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Artificial intelligence is a terrifying tool — Civilek Info

Artificial intelligence is a terrifying tool — Civilek Info


The head of the Catholic Church delivered a worrying speech at the G7 summit.

Pope Francis has called artificial intelligence a fascinating but terrifying tool that he says requires “ethical algorithms.” The head of the Catholic Church delivered a speech on Friday at the summit meeting of heads of state and government of the seven most developed industrialized countries (G7), in Borgo Egnazia, southern Italy. For the first time, the head of the Catholic Church participated in the summit meeting of the group of countries. The Pope spoke at a roundtable on artificial intelligence and held several bilateral meetings.

He met with Joe Biden of America, Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron of France, Narendra Modi of India, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Abdel-Majjid Tebbun of Algeria and William Samoei Ruto of Kenya, as well as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Kristalina Georgieva, with the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He delivered his speech in the presence of representatives of the most developed industrial countries

Pope Francis called artificial intelligence a fascinating but terrifying tool and spoke of its impact on the future of humanity.

He believed it was indisputable that artificial intelligence would lead to a revolution in human knowledge and industry. He mentioned as advantages the democratization of access to knowledge, the great leap forward in scientific research or even the transfer of tasks to heavy machines for humans.

At the same time, according to Pope Francis, artificial intelligence can create a deep divide between developed and disadvantaged nations, the ruling social classes and the oppressed social classes, replacing the culture of “people meeting” with “culture of elimination”.

The head of the Church emphasized that from the beginning, man has helped his life with increasingly simple, then more and more advanced tools, but artificial intelligence, he added, is a special tool that entrusts the ability to make decisions to machines.

“We condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we remove people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives and make them dependent on the decisions of machines”

– said Pope Francis.

This is why he called for a ban on the development and use of weapons of war without direct human control: “No machine should decide whether or not to take a person’s life.”

The head of the Church warned that humans are considered capable of development, that humans are capable of “surprising the world with their actions” and that artificial intelligence is not another person with whom we must establish an emotional relationship or any other dependent relationship. The Pope explained that the Western world is beginning to lose the value system represented by man. Artificial intelligence must “build a better future subordinate to the well-being of all,” he said.

That's why he called for ethical algorithms, or “algorithmic” guidelines, as he uses his term, as well as “healthy political control” over artificial intelligence. “Peace also requires good policy”

Pope Francis emphasized.


Featured image: Facebook/Vatican News




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