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When asked about inviting Prime Minister Modi to the G7 next year, Justin Trudeau said this

When asked about inviting Prime Minister Modi to the G7 next year, Justin Trudeau said this


When asked about inviting Prime Minister Modi to the G7 next year, Justin Trudeau said this

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he will have more to say regarding next year's G7 summit, when Canada assumes the presidency. Speaking to reporters, he appreciated the enthusiasm with which Canadians are looking forward to the G7 Summit. Trudeau said he looked forward to working with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and all G7 partners on various issues they discussed.

Asked if Canada would invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the G7 summit in 2025, Trudeau replied: “I can appreciate the enthusiasm with which Canadians are looking forward to next year's G7.” G7 for the remainder of this year and I look forward to working with Prime Minister Meloni and all my G7 partners on the wide range of issues we have discussed. I will have more to say about next year's G7 when we assume the G7. Presidency next year.”

The G7 summit was held in the Italian region of Puglia from June 13 to 15, where India was invited as an “outreach country” and was attended by all seven member countries, the United States, the Kingdom -United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and France. as well as the European Union.

The next G7 Leaders' Summit will take place in Kananaskis, in the Canadian province of Alberta, in 2025. In an article on G7 leaders will take place here in Canada. in Kananaskis, Alberta, in 2025.”

Trudeau's statement came after his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, on Friday. The meeting between the two leaders was the first in a context of tense diplomatic relations between India and Canada.

In an article on X, PM Modi had said, “Met Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau at the G7 summit. »

Ties between the two nations were strained after Trudeau accused “agents of the Indian government” of killing terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada last year. However, India has rejected the accusations, calling them “absurd” and “motivated”.

Nijjar, who was designated a terrorist by India's National Investigation Agency in 2020, was shot dead outside a Gurdwara in Surrey in June last year.

India has said Canada has not provided any “specific” evidence or relevant information in the Hardeep Singh Nijjar murder case.

Earlier in May, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar denied receiving evidence implicating the involvement of Indian nationals in the assassination of Indian designated terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada.

Responding to media queries here, Jaishankar said, “I have also read that one more arrest has been made. If this person is an Indian national, then generally as a matter of consular practice, you notify the government or embassy of the country of origin. But beyond that. , we have long held that if anything, any event in Canada, any violence in Canada, has evidence or information relevant to investigation in India, we are prepared to investigate in this subject.

He noted that while the arrest of any Indian national would generally result in notification to the government or embassy, ​​no specific evidence warranting investigation by Indian agencies has been received to date.

“But until now, we have never received anything specific and worthy of study by our investigative agencies. And I am not aware that anything has changed in recent days in this regard,” he said. Jaishankar said while interacting with media at a press conference. seminar on “Roadmap to Viksit Bharat” of Indian Capital Markets at the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in Mumbai.

His remarks come after Canadian police arrested a fourth suspect for his alleged involvement in Nijjar's murder. The accused has been identified as Amandeep Singh (22), Canada-based CBC News reported.

According to the British Columbia Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT), Singh was already in the custody of Peel Regional Police in Ontario on unrelated firearms charges.

Police said Singh is an Indian national and splits his time in Canada in Brampton, Ontario; Surrey, British Columbia, and Abbotsford, British Columbia, as reported by CBC News.

Investigators did not share further details about the arrest, citing ongoing investigations and court proceedings. The development came days after Canadian police arrested three Indian nationals – Karan Brar, Kamalpreet Singh and Karanpreet Singh – in Edmonton. The trio was charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with the homicide.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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