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The importance of Taiwanese identity – Taipei Times

The importance of Taiwanese identity – Taipei Times


I once described independent lawmaker May Chin () as a well-paid spokesperson for the dictator. [Chinese President] Xi Jinping (), a judgment that some of my friends described as arbitrary.

However, when it comes to assessing character, I follow the precepts of Confucius (): observe what they do and observe how they do it. How can they hide their true selves?

During a question session at the Legislative Yuan, my suspicions were confirmed when Chin shamelessly referred to China's president as our Xi Jinping.

Although relations between the United Kingdom and the United States are friendly, it would be inconceivable that a member of the American Congress would speak about our King Charles III. However, a Taiwanese lawmaker used our to express his affinity for Xi, the leader of a hostile state intent on annexing Taiwan.

This reminds me of a pro-unification colleague at Shih Hsin University, Wang Hsiao-po (). At a meeting in Beijing, he said: We gave Taiwan very good conditions for the principle of one country, two systems, and yet they rejected it! He was clearly taking the position of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), because the country he was referring to certainly could not be Taiwan.

Born in Guizhou, China, one could understand how Wang came to develop a Chinese complex. However, for Taiwan-born Chin, refusing to stand with Taiwan and sacrificing indigenous people's interests to the CCP is the height of hypocrisy. Perhaps personal gain or a Chinese nationalist upbringing pushed her to do so.

During a general knowledge test on the history of Taiwan, to the following question: during World War II, which country bombed Taiwan? 30 percent of my students answered Japan incorrectly.

Taiwan was a Japanese colony, why would Japan attack its own territory? I retorted.

A student replied: Didn't we fight Japan for eight years?

The fundamental problem was revealed: the students we received were viewed from the perspective of China rather than that of Taiwan. This is the result of the de-Taiwanization educational policies implemented by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT). With Chinese perspectives systematically privileged over Taiwanese history, students are misled into a China-centric narrative.

Here are three examples of persistent Chinese nationalism:

Paying tribute to the CCP, retired general Chen Ting-chung () cursed those who supported Taiwan's independence as scum of the Chinese nation.

Former director of the National Defense University Hsia Ying-chou () said: The People's Liberation Army and the Armed Forces of the Republic of China are both Chinese armies.

Former lawmaker from the Huang Fu-hsing branch of the KMT, Tsang You-hsia (), said: I would rather unite with the CCP than submit to the Democratic Progressive Party. [DPP].

As non-Taiwan mainlanders, their reactions are not surprising. Trapped in the myth of Chinese nationalism, they lack the values ​​of democracy, freedom and human rights, not to mention any sense of Taiwanese identity.

However, it becomes worrying when Taiwanese people share similar views. A friend recently told the story of a trip to Tibet, during which a businessman from Tainan told the local tour guide: [President] The presidency of William Lais () will consolidate Taiwanese identity. We must quickly reunify Taiwan with China!

Such sentiments from profit-driven businessmen willing to sell out Taiwan are repugnant.

Yet in some cases, my faith in a shared Taiwanese identity is restored. DPP lawmaker Saidhai Tahovecahe () shared such a story with me.

At a Patriot Week assembly at a primary school in Pingtung County, the principal addressed the students: It's Patriot Week, and we all love our country. And what is the name of our country?

Taiwan! all the students responded in unison.

Yes, we are Taiwan, but we are also the Republic of China, he added, clumsily trying to smooth things over.

Lee Hsiao-feng is an honorary professor at the National Taipei University of Education.

Translated by Gabrielle Killick

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