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Donald Trump gets good sign in two critical states: poll

Donald Trump gets good sign in two critical states: poll


As fewer Black voters in two critical swing states plan to vote for President Joe Biden compared to 2020, former President Donald Trump has seen his support among Black voters jump by double digits, surpassing his 2020 influence, according to a poll published Sunday.

“Biden is still the vast majority's first or second choice, while most would avoid Trump,” a USA Today/Suffolk University telephone survey of 500 registered black voters each in the key states of Michigan and Pennsylvania found .

However, the poll conducted between June 9 and 13 and with a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points also shows the former president winning compared to his previous poll of black voters in 2020.

Trump, who spent part of his weekend in Detroit, a majority-black city, is seeking to gain ground among black voters, who overwhelmingly voted for Biden in the last election. In 2020, according to the Pew Research Center, 92% of Black voters nationwide voted for Biden.

The former president received less than 10% support from Black voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2020, but according to the new poll, about 15% of Black voters in Michigan and 11% in Pennsylvania gave him their support.

The poll found that most black voters who do not want to support Biden will not turn to Trump in the ballot, but are instead likely to support third-party candidates like Cornel West or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Nearly 15% of voters. Voters in both states said they preferred third-party candidates over Biden or Trump, with 14% indicating they were undecided.

Former President Donald Trump delivers the keynote address at Turning Point Action's “People's Convention” Saturday in Detroit. Recent USA Today/Suffolk University Poll Shows Trump Winning More Black Voters Than He Previously…Former President Donald Trump Delivers Keynote Address at Turning Point Action's 'People's Convention' Saturday in Detroit. A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll shows Trump winning more black voters than in 2020. More Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk Center for Political Research, which oversaw the poll, said that given Biden's overwhelming majority of support among black voters, for every voter who turns to Trump, Biden must get 13 additional black voices.

“That’s why Trump feels a sense of improvement within the black community,” Paleologos said.

Sixty-four percent of Michigan voters said Trump's recent conviction on 34 counts following his secret trial made them less likely to support his presidency, while 9 percent said they were more likely to do so, according to the survey. In Pennsylvania, the figures are 65 percent and 5 percent, respectively.

The former president was convicted late last month of 34 counts of falsifying business records related to money paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election. Daniels alleges she had a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006, which he denies. The former president has maintained his innocence, saying the accusation against him was politically motivated. His legal team plans to appeal the verdict.

Newsweek reached out to the Biden and Trump campaign for comment via email on Sunday.

At the same time, voters in both states overwhelmingly indicated that “inflation and the economy” were the most important issue to them.

Michigan and Pennsylvania are always closely watched races, as elections are won or lost by slim margins. In 2020, Biden won just over 50% of the vote in both states. FiveThirtyEight aggregator polls show Trump leading Biden in both states by 1.6 percent in Pennsylvania and a much lower 0.6 percent in Michigan as of Sunday morning.

In the national election, according to FiveThirtyEight, Trump leads Biden by 1.1 percent as of Sunday morning. Candidates are determined for the first presidential debate of the cycle on June 27, with a second scheduled for September.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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