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Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to take a cognitive test – only to get his own doctor's name wrong | US News

Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to take a cognitive test – only to get his own doctor's name wrong |  US News


Donald Trump challenged President Joe Biden to take a cognitive test – only to mix up his own doctor's name.

The Republican presidential candidate has regularly castigated his rival for his various gaffes, despite his own tendency to ramble or get the facts wrong.

Speaking in Detroit, Mr. Trump questioned the president's mental acuity. He said: “He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did. »

A few seconds later he continued: “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House physician, and he said I was the president healthier, in his opinion, of the story, so I really liked it “immediately.”

However, he was clearly referring to Ronny Jackson, who served as White House physician for part of his presidency.

He was elected to Congress in 2021 and is one of Mr. Trump's most vocal defenders on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Trump took the cognitive test in 2018 at his own request, Dr. Jackson told reporters at the time. The exam is designed to detect early signs of memory loss and other mild cognitive impairment.

The former president, who turned 78 on Friday, has made the question of whether 81-year-old President Biden runs for a second term a centerpiece of his campaign.

But online critics quickly seized on his Saturday night gaffe, with the Biden campaign posting a clip of the moment minutes later.

President Biden also mocked Mr Trump's age, wishing him a happy 78th birthday “from one old man to another” on X.

Image: Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy shake hands after signing a new security agreement this week. Photo: Reuters

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It comes after a week in which both rivals were criticized for awkward moments in public.

President Biden appeared to freeze for several seconds before briefly stumbling over his words during an event marking the Juneteenth anniversary on Monday.

Meanwhile, a teleprompter malfunction in Las Vegas caused Mr Trump to go off on a strange tangent about his dislike of sharks.




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