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Hello from Team Melodi: Italian PM Meloni shares video with PM modi

Hello from Team Melodi: Italian PM Meloni shares video with PM modi


PUGLIA: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni shared a video of herself alongside Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the recently concluded G7 summit in Italy.
Meloni took to her social media platforms to share the reel in which she says hello from Team Melodi while PM Modi waves to the camera. The two leaders are seen sharing a laugh in the video posted by Meloni on social media platforms including X and Instagram.
Meloni wrote: Hello friends, from #Melodi. The hashtag has become one of the most trending things on X.

Prime Minister Modi and his Italian counterpart Meloni also took a selfie on the sidelines of the G7 summit that concluded in Italy on Friday.
The camaraderie between the two leaders, who already met at the G20 summit in Delhi last year and then at the COP28 in Dubai, has given rise to several memes online. In December last year, the two leaders took a selfie on the sidelines of COP28 in Dubai.
While sharing the photo with PM Modi on X, Meloni had said: Good friends at COP28, #Melodi. Photographs of the two leaders together were widely shared on online platforms, with Melodi hashtags becoming a trending topic.

During the bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G7 summit, Prime Minister Modi and Meloni discussed defense and security cooperation between the two countries.
The two sides discussed bilateral defense and security cooperation and hoped to further strengthen defense industrial collaboration. They welcomed the upcoming visit of the Italian aircraft carrier ITS Cavour and the training ship ITS Vespucci to India later this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in an official statement.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Modi also thanked the Italian government for recognizing the contribution of the Indian Army to the Italian Campaign during World War II and informed that India would modernize the Yashwant Ghadge Memorial at Montone in Italy.
Prime Minister Modi and his Italian counterpart noted with satisfaction the regular political dialogue at the highest level and reviewed the progress of the India-Italy strategic partnership. Meloni also congratulated Prime Minister Modi on his third consecutive term as Prime Minister.

While welcoming the growth in trade and economic collaboration, they called for expanding trade ties in clean energy, manufacturing, space, science and technology, telecommunications, AI and critical minerals to build resilient supply chains. In this context, they welcomed the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on Industrial Property Rights (IPR) which provides a framework for cooperation on patents, designs and trademarks, the MEA press release said.
During the meeting, the two leaders welcomed the signing of the letter of intent for cooperation in energy transition, which will strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of clean and green energy. It was noted within the framework of the Global Biofuels Alliance.

They expressed satisfaction with the new Executive Cooperation Program for 2025-2027 aimed at promoting joint research and development in the fields of science and technology, the MEA said.
Sharing details of his meeting with Meloni, PM Modi said, “We had a very good meeting with PM @GiorgiaMeloni. She thanked her for inviting India to participate in the G7 Summit and for the wonderful arrangements made. We discussed ways to further strengthen India-Italy relations in areas such as trade, energy, defence, telecommunications and many more. Our nations will work together in futuristic areas such as biofuels, food processing and critical minerals.
Notably, Prime Minister Modi attended the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, at the invitation of Italian Prime Minister Meloni. This was India's 11th consecutive participation and Prime Minister Modi's fifth consecutive participation in the G7 summit.
The G7 summit, to which India was invited as an outreach country, was attended by all seven member countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and France, as well as the European Union. This was India's 11th consecutive participation and Prime Minister Modi's fifth consecutive participation in the G7 summit.

Prime Minister Modi on Saturday shared highlights of his participation in the G7 summit in Italy and said he presented India's perspective on the world stage. A video shared by Prime Minister Modi shows a glimpse of the highlights of his visit to Italy, including his arrival in Italy in Italy. PM Giorgia Melonis is welcomed to the G7 Summit site in the Puglia city in Italy.
Meloni welcomed Prime Minister Modi with a namaste and the two leaders later posed for a photo in front of the cameras. The video shows moments from Prime Minister Modi's bilateral meetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and French President Emmanuel Macron. on the sidelines of the G7 summit.

In the video, Prime Minister Modi can be seen interacting with Pope Francis and they held talks while walking together. Prime Minister Modi also interacted with other world leaders including US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, as well as Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da. Silva.

He also spoke with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the sidelines of the G7 summit. The video also included the moment of PM Meloni clicking a selfie with PM Modi. Sharing the video on his X platform, PM Modi wrote: An important G7 summit, where I presented India's perspective on the global stage. Here are the highlights.




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