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Microphones off, no props: CNN details the rules of the Biden and Trump debate | US elections 2024

Microphones off, no props: CNN details the rules of the Biden and Trump debate |  US elections 2024


The first US presidential debate between outgoing President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump on June 27 will include two commercial breaks, with no props and no microphones except when they are allowed to speak, CNN announced on Saturday.

The rules, agreed to outside the Commission on Presidential Debates, are designed to reduce the choppy interruptions and cross-talk that have often marred televised meetings in recent presidential election cycles.

CNN, a division of Warner Bros. Discovery, said debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will use every tool at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure civilized discussion during the 90-minute broadcast from Atlanta .

Another Biden-Trump showdown will be hosted by ABC anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis in September. The traditional October debate will not take place as part of the agreement between the two campaigns and the television networks which abolished the commission after years of complaints and resentment.

CNN said both candidates will appear on a uniform podium during the 90-minute debate, that podium positions will be determined by a drawing of lots, and that candidates will receive a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of coffee. water, but will not be able to use accessories.

Microphones will be muted throughout the debate, except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak, CNN said.

The network also said that during the two commercial breaks, campaign staff would not be allowed to interact with their candidate and that, unlike previous debates, there would be no studio audience.

Biden and Trump, the two oldest candidates for president in the United States, will seek support from an unusually large number of undecided voters who may only begin to pay close attention to the presidential race. t's approaching election day on November 5.

But with polls already tightening in key states, the debates carry risks for the two candidates with distinctly different governing styles: a veteran senator who relies on a large team for policy positions and a New York developer turned reality TV star who shoots from the hip.

According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted earlier this month, Biden is losing support among voters without college degrees, a large group that includes Black people, Hispanic women, younger voters and suburban women.

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The essence of the argument that Biden accuses his predecessor of being unhinged and a danger to democracy, while Trump accuses Biden of being senile and corrupt, has so far left many voters cold. the prospect of a rematch in 2024 between two political candidates who, at 81 and 78, are double the American median age.

According to a campaign memo seen by Reuters, Biden has three preferred debate topics: abortion rights, the state of democracy and the economy. Trump's team has listed immigration, public safety and inflation as its top issues.

The hosting networks will ensure the twin debates go more smoothly than in 2020, when the discussion focused on Trump's response to the pandemic and moderator Chris Wallace had to step in to remind the candidates that he asked the questions.

The second debate scheduled for October did not take place due to Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis and his refusal to appear remotely rather than in person. During this election cycle, both candidates refused to debate their rivals for their party's nomination.

CNN said eligible candidates must appear on enough state ballots to reach the threshold of 270 electoral votes needed to win and secure at least 15% in four separate national runoffs.

He said it's not impossible that independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could still qualify, saying he has received at least 15 percent in three qualifying ballots to date and has qualified for the ballot in six states, making him eligible in 89 electoral colleges. voice.

The Kennedy campaign said Saturday that its polls showed he was now in second place alongside Biden in Utah, but behind Trump, and that he was ahead of both Biden and Trump among independents nationally.

Reuters contributed to this story




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