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PM Shehbaz exchanges Eidul Adha greetings with Muslim leaders

PM Shehbaz exchanges Eidul Adha greetings with Muslim leaders


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday spoke to leaders of the Muslim world, including Turkey, Tajikistan and Bahrain, and exchanged Eidul Adha greetings with them.

Telephone conversations held between Prime Minister Sharif and leaders of Islamic nations focused on conveying best wishes on the occasion of Eid and resolving to strengthen bilateral relations.

In a call with Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, both sides expressed mutual respect and admiration for the strong historical ties, based on shared values ​​and cultural affinities.

The Prime Minister acknowledged and appreciated Bahrain's support and cooperation in various fields over the years. He particularly thanked King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for his respect and affection towards Pakistan, the media wing of the Prime Minister's Office said in a press release.

The two leaders reaffirmed the two countries' commitment to further strengthen bilateral relations, enhance economic cooperation and work closely to promote regional peace and security, the press release added.

While recalling with emotion the historic visit of King Hamad to Pakistan in 2014, the Prime Minister reiterated his warm and cordial invitation to the King of Bahrain to undertake an official visit to Pakistan at the earliest.

Prime Minister Shehbaz, in a call with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, expressed his wishes for peace, prosperity and development for both countries.

President Rahmon reciprocated the greetings and best wishes and praised the strong brotherly relations between Pakistan and Tajikistan, the media wing of the Prime Minister's Office said in a press release.

Both leaders also expressed satisfaction with the positive trajectory of bilateral relations and reaffirmed their common desire to strengthen ties through trade, energy and connectivity.

They also discussed the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana and reiterated their commitment to strengthening mutually beneficial regional integration and cooperation.

They exchanged views on international developments and agreed to continue working together to promote peace and stability within the Muslim world as well as the region.

In a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two leaders celebrated the strong bonds of friendship and brotherhood between Pakistan and Turkey, rooted in common values, history and cultural affinities.

They reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in various areas, including trade, investment, defense and tourism. The Prime Minister and the President also discussed ways to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region and beyond.

They expressed deep concern over the current situation in Palestine, while urging the international community to redouble peace efforts to end the misery and suffering of innocent Palestinians.

The two leaders agreed to continue working together to address common challenges and support each other in their core national interests.

To this end, the Prime Minister reiterated his cordial invitation to President Erdogan to undertake an official visit to Pakistan as soon as possible to convene the 7th session of the High Level Strategic Advisory Council (HLSCC).




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