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Will the PTI and stakeholders succeed in bridging this political chasm?

Will the PTI and stakeholders succeed in bridging this political chasm?


PUBLISHED June 16, 2024


As the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) sends contradictory signals on negotiations with political forces through its fluctuating statements, its desire to reconnect with powerful players is becoming more evident by the day. Yet there is no progress, as neither the civil and military leadership nor the PTI's founding president Imran Khan and his party are ready to step back and end the current impasse, which keeps the nation in suspense for several years now. .

From the PTI to other political parties and from the judiciary to powerful players, all agree that talks are the only way to achieve economic and political stability. However, the situation on the ground remains unchanged, with no one ready to move an inch from their positions. In fact, all parties are escalating their positions at regular intervals. The reason: All parties believe that the stakes are so high that the winner will take all, giving the impression that they care less about improving the country than about their personal goals. It appears that Pakistan's version of “Game of Thrones” is in full swing as various stakeholders vie for greater control of power.

The PTI founding president and his party firmly believe that there is no point in talking to the ruling political parties as they cannot guarantee what the PTI desires, thus making all their statements on negotiations redundant. They have long sought an opening of dialogue only with the most powerful quarters of the country, but the other side has kept its distance, especially after seeing that Imran and his party continue to constantly try to target the army chief .

On May 7, the army spokesperson asked Imran Khan to avoid what he called “the politics of anarchy and hatred” and revive his political fortunes by issuing a public and sincere apology for the chaos of May 9. The military believes that the PTI was behind the riots that day, during which civilian and military installations were attacked in the country. Imran and his party responded with a resounding no, saying the May 9 violence was a “false flag operation” and blaming the military establishment for it. So the impasse persists.

Then came an offer from the judiciary when Pakistan's chief justice advised Imran Khan to talk to his political opponents while emphasizing “they are not your enemies.” The CJP added that “politicians should sit down together and solve the problems.” Initially, the PTI questioned this suggestion but later decided that Imran would write a letter to the top court in this regard. However, in the meantime, the proposal to engage with the ruling political forces – PML-N, PPPP and MQM-P – was once again rejected by the PTI. The PTI initially said it was open to negotiations with political parties, but later reversed its position, saying that the leader of the recently formed opposition alliance, Mahmood Khan Achakzai, could talk to them, as the PTI would not hold talks with these three parties. So it was back to square one.

The reason Imran does not want to talk to his political rivals is that he has long been constructing a narrative that his opponents, particularly the PML-N and PPPP, are corrupt. Shaking their hand would harm his entire narrative and political journey. He has avoided doing so in the past and his intentions remain clear: he is not yet ready to change his position. However, his party leaders say he would be willing to talk to them if the establishment was also at the table.

A recent conversation on the subject with renowned political experts Professor Tahir Naeem Malik, Zaigham Khan, Majid Nizami and former envoy Hussain Haqqani shed light on why offers of talks were not translating into dialogue significant. One reason is that all chat offers are conditional and the conditions are quite difficult to fulfill.

Professor Tahir Naeem Malik of NUML University says the desire to engage with the establishment while constantly trying to point fingers at the army chief cannot go hand in hand. He suggests that Imran should have learned by now that the establishment's approach is different from that of a political entity. Malik advises finding a way to reduce escalation, as pressure tactics may, in his opinion, not work.

Zaigham Khan said the PTI tried to put pressure on the establishment, military leadership and the judiciary to hire Imran Khan on its terms, but it did not work. He added that the essence of the PTI's approach was that Imran is right and others are wrong, and that powerful players are morally obligated to support Imran over his rivals. However, Imran went too far in his method of pressure, which had serious repercussions.

Majid Nizami reiterated that things usually return to normalcy after the general elections, noting that things were extremely difficult for PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif before the 2018 elections but have started to improve. attenuate a few months later. He said the PTI was never a protest party and its differences only concerned certain personalities within the establishment. Nizami suggested that the PTI's desire to hold talks with the establishment indicates that it is ready to strike a deal or get an NRO (National Reconciliation Order), whatever you call it.

Husain Haqqani, former Pakistani ambassador and currently a researcher at the Hudson Institute in Washington DC and the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy in Abu Dhabi, noted that Imran believed in shaping things through narrative. However, his attempt to declare the events of May 9 as a false flag operation, without presenting any evidence, undermines his position. Haqqani added that May 9 sent a message to military leaders that if the military did not support a political party, it could face a direct confrontation with the military establishment, which they did not like.

Haqqani said the chances of breaking the impasse between the military establishment and the PTI remain slim as Imran still wants reconciliation on his terms. However, he noted that history shows that it is always military leadership that gets the other side to agree to what it wants, offering some concessions in return.

In a political landscape where economic success is highly dependent on political stability, the lack of concrete measures to unite all stakeholders at the negotiating table continually harms Pakistan. This is all the more true as Imran Khan remains firm in his refusal to negotiate with other political parties, considering them incapable of meeting his demands.

The rivalry between the PTI and PML-N remains fierce, with both camps fighting for supremacy and wanting to have powerful players on their side. Experts, however, argue for de-escalation and democratic dialogue, emphasizing the need for political parties to strengthen their own positions and collaborate, rather than relying on the military. Such an approach is crucial to normalize the political environment and achieve stability in Pakistan's current power struggle.

Civilian and military leaders often claim that the country is above politics, but it is time to lead by example that gaining power or taking control of power is not more important than survival of the nation.




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