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At least 15 dead in Israeli airstrikes on Bureij and Maghazi refugee camps in Gaza

At least 15 dead in Israeli airstrikes on Bureij and Maghazi refugee camps in Gaza


An Israeli airstrike on the Bureij refugee camp and the Maghazi refugee camp in Gaza left 15 people dead, including 13-year-old Rafeef Alsaidi and elderly Abdelshafi Hussein. These attacks continued unabated as Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed that the war would continue.

On the border of the Gaza Strip, alongside the Desert Patrol Battalion, [Israeli forces] continue to fight and are sent on appropriate missions in all sectors, in the air, at sea and on land, Gallant said.

The EU's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, has warned of the growing threat posed by Houthi militia attacks on commercial shipping off Yemen. The Houthis continue to threaten freedom of navigation in the #Red Sea, Borrell posted on X.

The EU military operation in the region, EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, the EU chief said, is committed to maintaining the security of international waters.

In response to the ongoing conflict, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif that the Islamic world was observing Eid al-Adha with sadness due to Israel's actions in Gaza.

At the same time, the UN welcomed Israel's tactical pause in military operations along an aid corridor south of Gaza, but called for further steps to ensure humanitarian aid reaches the besieged population.

Bill gets support

The Israeli government has thrown its support behind a bill to raise the retirement age for IDF reservists. This legislative decision comes at a time when the nation is deeply embroiled in the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza, a war that has already claimed the lives of at least 37,296 people, most of them civilians, according to the Ministry of Defense. Gaza Health.

The ministerial committee responsible for the legislation approved a three-month extension, but the bill still needs to pass three readings in the Knesset to become law.

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Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized the government, saying: “Reservists and taxpayers are collapsing and Netanyahu and the extremists are putting the burden on them and continuing to evade responsibility and smile.” »

Meanwhile, the Israeli High Court issued an interim order suspending State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman's investigation into the failures of the October 7 attack, pending a hearing in July. This suspension comes after classified responses from security agencies.

Disclaimer: WION takes great care to report accurately and responsibly on ongoing developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following the Hamas attacks. However, we cannot independently verify the authenticity of all statements, photos and videos.

(With contribution from agencies)


Heena Sharma

Heena Sharma is a digital journalist who primarily writes on current geopolitical developments. @HeenaSharma0819




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