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Xi claims US incited him to invade Taiwan | Taiwan News

Xi claims US incited him to invade Taiwan |  Taiwan News


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) Last year, Chinese leader Xi Jinping () reportedly told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that the United States was trying to push him to invade Taiwan.

Several sources informed the Financial Times (FT) that Xi issued this warning during a meeting with von der Leyen in April 2023. Xi reportedly said the United States was trying to trick China into invading Taiwan, but that he would not bite the hook.

Another source said Xi issued a similar warning to Chinese officials. Some Chinese academics and retired military officers say the United States is trying to provoke Beijing by supplying weapons to Taiwan and implementing other measures to draw China into armed conflict.

In January, China's former ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai (), told the Asia Society that Beijing “would not fall into the trap that someone might prepare for us,” implying Washington.

Xi's comments to von der Leyen represent the first known instance of him making such an allegation to a foreign leader. Xi also said that confrontation with the United States would “destroy many of China's achievements and undermine its goal of achieving the great rejuvenation by 2049.”

This information comes in a context of escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Just three days after the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te (), the People's Liberation Army launched military exercises around Taiwan and its outlying islands as punishment for those seeking independence.

Under the Taiwan Relations Act, the United States must help Taiwan maintain its self-defense capabilities. Washington has long emphasized that it does not support Taiwan's independence and opposes any unilateral change to the status quo.

A Chinese academic was quoted by the Financial Times as saying that the United States “actively encourages Taiwan's independence forces” and understands that if Taiwan crosses China's red line and declares independence, Beijing will be forced to undertake a military action.

Jude Blanchette, Freeman Chair of China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), told the FT that one interpretation of Xi's remarks is that some subordinates might try to steer him away from more aggressive policies.

Blanchette said that regardless of how Xi's remarks are interpreted, it is clear that the decision-making environment and the information that feeds into it are distorted, either by Xi's lieutenants or his own autocratic behavior.




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