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Biden issues stern warning about Trump: 'It's outrageous'

Biden issues stern warning about Trump: 'It's outrageous'


President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama have spoken out against Donald Trump, warning of a possible second term for the former Republican president.

The comments were made at a Democratic Party fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday evening, June 15, hosted by actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts, and which raised more than $28 million before kickoff of the event at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, according to the Washington Post. Oscar and Grammy-winning actress and singer Barbra Streisand also took the stage at the event, as did First Lady Jill Biden.

Also in attendance were Hollywood figures such as Sheryl Lee Ralph and Keegan-Michael Key, as well as California politicians such as Governor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass.

During the event, Biden met with Obama in a 40-minute conversation hosted by late-night host Jimmy Kimmel. The topic of Trump's opposition to Biden remained relevant throughout, as the trio looked back on the former president's background and commented on his re-conviction on 34 counts in May.

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One of the topics of conversation was the fear of retaliation if Trump were re-elected. Institutions matter. Which he did on January 6, and now he's literally saying if he doesn't win, it's going to be a bloodbath. It's outrageous what he's talking about, Biden said, according to the Washington Post. The idea that he was actually threatening retaliation. This is the United States of America. Did you ever think you would ever hear something like this?

President Joe Biden speaks, flanked by television host Jimmy Kimmel, left, and former U.S. President Barack Obama, on stage at a fundraiser in Los Angeles on June 15, 2024. Mandel NganGetty Pictures

He added that Trump's return to the presidency could greatly affect the Supreme Court's decisions over the next four years, including on issues such as gay rights and access to abortion.

The Supreme Court has never been more lopsided than it is today, I mean never, he said, according to CNN.

This isn't the first time in Biden's re-election campaign that he has turned to Hollywood for help. In May, actor Robert De Niro released a new ad campaign called Snapped. In the ad, De Niro called Trump out of control and claimed the former US president would stop at nothing to get revenge.

Tensions between Biden and Trump escalated ahead of their first debate on June 27. After Trump's recent conviction, the former president openly blamed the Biden administration during a May 30 press speech.

Biden was asked about this blame from Trump after his own press conference, which sparked a new viral moment, when the current US president stopped, turned around and reacted, apparently smiling widely amused by the question or topic discussed. Reporters continued to ask the president for his opinion, but he simply left the room.

Read more: Watch Biden react to Trump blaming him for Hush-Money trial conviction

During the June 15 conversation, Obama praised the work of his former vice president. [Biden]saying that we can be proud to affirm the extraordinary work that Joe has accomplished.

He then shared his thoughts on Trump's condemnation, saying some have normalized behavior that was once disqualifying.

Before the event began, pro-Palestinian protesters gathered around the Peacock Theater, some wearing “Ceasefire Now” and “Not in Our Name” T-shirts. In a video posted to »




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