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Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacts to Kanchanjunga Express train accident in West Bengal: 'saddening' | Latest news India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacts to Kanchanjunga Express train accident in West Bengal: 'saddening' |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered condolences to “those who lost their loved ones”, after at least 15 people were reported killed and around 60 others injured after a goods train collided with the Kanchanjunga Express bound for Sealdah, near Rangapani railway station, Darjeeling, West Bengal. district Monday.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (HT file photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi (HT file photo)

Three rear compartments of the Kanchanjunga Express train were derailed on the impact of the rear-end collision of the freight train's locomotive, railway officials said.

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The train accident in West Bengal is saddening. Condolences to those who lost their loved ones. I pray that the injured recover as soon as possible. I spoke to those responsible and took stock of the situation. Relief operations are underway to help the victims. Railway Minister Shri @AshwiniVaishnaw Ji is also on his way to the accident site,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted on X.

ALSO READ | Kanchanjunga Express accident LIVE

The Prime Minister's Office said Modi also announced that an ex gratia amount 2 lakh from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund would be given to the next of kin of each person who died in the West Bengal train accident. The injured would receive 50,000.

Rescue operations are underway at the spot, around 30 km from New Jalpaiguri station in north Bengal, and the injured have been shifted to nearby hospitals.

Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said in an article on X: Unfortunate accident in NFR zone. Rescue operations are taking place on a war footing. The Railways, NDRF and SDRF work in close coordination. The injured are transferred to hospital. Senior officials arrived on site.

The Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of North Frontier Railway's Katihar Division said that 13174 Kanchanjunga Express was bound for Sealdah from Agartala and the accident took place around 9 am.

In an article on Pending details, the Kanchenjunga Express was reportedly hit by a goods train.

DM, SP, doctors, ambulances and rescue teams were rushed to the spot for rescue, recovery and medical assistance. Start of action on a war footing.

A passenger from Agartala, who was in coach number S6 of the Kanchanjunga Express, told news agency PTI that he felt a sudden jolt and the compartment stopped abruptly. He also claimed that relief and rescue operations had been delayed.

“My wife, my child and I managed to get out of the destroyed bus. We are currently stuck… Rescue operations also started quite late,” the passenger told a television channel.




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