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The current government lacks legitimacy and its methods are flawed: Gandapur

The current government lacks legitimacy and its methods are flawed: Gandapur


Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has vowed to fight for the rights of the people, saying he will leave no stone unturned and those who wish to enslave the nation will face the consequences.

In his statement, the chief minister said, “Our leader Imran Khan is currently imprisoned on trumped-up charges, and these cases are dragging on to keep him behind bars for a long time. The goal is to force him to abandon his ideology and his movement. , but that will never happen.”

Gandapur said Imran Khan had started a movement to wake up the nation. He called on the judiciary to quickly dismiss these bogus cases and make decisions based on merit.

He criticized the federal government, calling it a “Form 47 government” that stole the public mandate. “The ruling government has no legitimacy and the methods it uses to run the country are flawed,” Gandapur said.

He claimed that the Imran Khan government was ousted by a conspiracy and the current PDM government was installed as a puppet regime. “The state of the country under the PDM government is obvious to everyone.”

Gandapur accused the government of delaying the general elections, thereby violating the Constitution and triggering a fascist era aimed at dismantling the PTI. “This period was one of the darkest not only in the history of Pakistan but also in the history of the world,” he said.

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The chief minister urged those in power to learn from their mistakes and reform, instead of pursuing fascist policies. He called the current government a “curse” and warned that its negative effects would also affect those who imposed it.

Gandapur expressed the nation's dissatisfaction with the current leaders and the institutions that brought them to power, highlighting the widely held belief that these leaders have plundered the country.

He asserted that anyone who thinks that Imran Khan's popularity or public resolve would diminish is wrong. “Our morale is high and we know how to demand our rights. This government is treating Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa unfairly, but we will continue our fight for our rights.”

He called the federal budget a “fraud” and a “joke” on the nation. “Just as it is dishonest, the budget presented is based on false statistics. We announced that employee salaries would be increased in agreement with the federal government. Once again, I demand that provincial dues and funds for the merged districts be paid. “We are facing problems of law and order and unemployment, and we have provided a social budget to address these concerns.”

Gandapur condemned trolling against Imran Khan and PTI leaders, saying it would not yield any benefits. “Even your families and your children reject your policies,” he said.

He concluded by expressing the nation's disappointment with the institutions and the judicial system. “The nation is now turning to the judiciary for justice. Those who took the banned items from Toshakhana are now the President, Prime Minister and Chief Ministers, while the parties accused of money laundering, with evidence provided by the institutions themselves, are in power today.

The chief minister reiterated that the country and its institutions belong to the people. He urged institutions to focus on their intended functions and avoid actions that would disgrace the country.




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