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Pak Jokowi's unique name for cow sacrifice, there are aliens

Pak Jokowi's unique name for cow sacrifice, there are aliens


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered that prime livestock be sacrificed for Eid al-Adha 2024.

Interestingly, the cows chosen by President Jokowi were given unique names. Below are a number of names of cows that Jokowi chose for sacrifice this year and in previous years, cited by Detik.

1. Alien Cow

Alien, the name of a cow weighing 1 ton 80 kilograms, was officially chosen as President Joko Widodo's sacrificial cow for Eid al-Adha 2024. The cow was chosen after going through several selection stages such as the weight, physical health and the absence of carried diseases. by the West Java Provincial Health Team.

The cow belongs to the breeders of Love Farmers' Farm Group, located in Kasomalang Kulon Village, Kasomalang District, Subang Regency, West Java. They are proud because their cow was chosen for the second time as a presidential sacrificial cow.

According to livestock manager Irwan Yusup, he would have been surprised if President Joko Widodo bought his cow again in 2023, a cow weighing one ton and thirty-five years old was chosen to be used as a sacrificial animal in Jakarta.

2. Mrebes Mili Cow

President Jokowi's sacrificial cow at Al-Akbar Mosque in Surabaya is named Mbrebes Mili. This cow was purchased from a breeder named Teguh from Lamongan Regency, East Java.

Al Akbar National Mosque Surabaya (MAS) Executive and Management Agency (BPP) Secretary Helmy M Noor in Surabaya said the cow was 5 years old and weighed 1 ton, an ongole crossbreed.

“President Jokowi sacrificed a 5-year-old Ongole crossbreed cow. It weighed 1,010 kilograms then,” he said, as quoted by CNN Indonesia, Sunday (16/6/2024).

Helmy said the cow, which is 156 centimeters tall and white, has its own reason for being called Mbrebes Mili.

“Why was he given the name Mbrebes Mili, according to the breeder [kurban] “President Jokowi, Pak Teguh, because he was so happy, President Jokowi bought his cow as a sacrifice in 2024,” he said.

For information, “mbrebes mili” is Javanese which means to begin to flow, in this case tears. This word is a term to describe an affecting condition.

3. Sultana Cow

In 2022, Jokowi purchased a cow for Eid al-Adha sacrifice from a herder in Cilegon, Banten. The sacrificial cow purchased by Jokowi was named “Sultan” by the breeder.
Jokowi bought the 1.1 ton cow for IDR 112 million. This type of Ongole cattle originated from Kebumen, Central Java, when they were first imported to Cilegon. When he was brought from Kebumen in 2021, Sultan was still 3 years old and weighed 600 kg.

4. Cow Inayah

In 2021, Jokowi purchased a sacrificial cow in Rembang, Central Java, weighing 1,004 kg. These Ongole crossbred cattle were purchased from the village headman of Sendangagung, Kaliori District, Inayah.
Inayah said Jokowi bought his cow through the Livestock Service for tens of millions of Rupiah.

5. Limousin cow

In 2018, Jokowi's 1.5-ton cow was slaughtered at the Istiqlal Mosque along with a similar animal owned by Vice President Jusuf Kalla from 2014 to 2019.
Additionally, in 2019, President Jokowi again chose a Limousin cow weighing 1.7 tons. This light brown cow was run over by several officers who were slaughtering sacrificial animals at the Istiqlal Mosque before being shot dead.

In 2020, Jokowi again chose limousines as his sacrificial animal for Eid al-Adha. Jokowi purchased two large cows which will be sent to two mosques in Solo, Central Java.

“For the Grand Mosque of Surakarta, the cow weighs 1,030 kilograms. For the Al-Wustho Mosque, it weighs 930 kilograms,” the head of the education and culture sub-division of Surakarta said at the time. the welfare section of the Solo Regional Secretariat, Bambang Harjanto.


[Gambas:Video CNBC]




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