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Serena Williams Gets Irritable When Asked About Trump After Being On Frequent Calling List

Serena Williams Gets Irritable When Asked About Trump After Being On Frequent Calling List


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Serena Williams refused to address her relationship with former President Donald Trump, even after it was revealed she was on his frequent call list while testifying at his criminal trial.

Williams, 42, ended her tennis career just under two years ago and is considered by many to be the greatest player of all time. In an interview published Saturday by The New York Times, Williams was asked about being one of Trump's contacts.

I mean, is that what this interview is about? she responded to journalist David Marchese.

“When someone gets a chance to talk to a president, I'm curious to know what he talked about,” Marchese responded.

I talk to a lot of presidents. I talked to Barack, I talked to the Clintons. I've spoken to every president since I've been alive, including Ronald Reagan. You know that, Williams replied.

What do you think they are looking for when talking to you? What do they want to know? » asked the journalist.

I don't know, I'm not going to go there, Williams said.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in his secret trial last month. The charges stem from a payment shortly before the 2016 election to adult actor Stormy Daniels, who claimed to have had an affair with Trump in 2006. Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to conceal the payment and to silence.

Trump and Williams were spotted meeting at a Gucci cocktail party in 2009 (Getty Images)

Williams was drawn into Trump's trial when a former aide revealed she was part of a group of people Trump spoke with frequently in early 2017 when he entered the White House.

Madeleine Westerhout, Trump's former White House executive assistant, spoke in May. During his testimony, prosecutors showed emails between Westerhout and Rhona Graff, an employee of the Trump Organization.

Could you ask the girls to give me a list of people he talked to frequently? I don't want to have to bother you all the time, although I will still call often 🙂 Westerhout wrote to Graff on January 24, 2017, four days after Trump's inauguration.

Graff quickly sent an Excel spreadsheet of those Trump spoke with often along with Williams on that list.

Others mentioned included members of the Trump family; his former fixer Michael Cohen, who testified against him at trial; and former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg. Former and current cable news hosts Bill OReilly, Jeanine Pirro and Joe Scarborough were also on the list.

Williams allegedly let Trump have a point when they faced off in April 2015 during celebrations for a new tennis center at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia. That summer, Trump announced his first run for president.




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