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Biden campaign ad calls attention to Trump's criminal status

Biden campaign ad calls attention to Trump's criminal status


President Biden's campaign began its most aggressive effort Monday to label former President Donald J. Trump a criminal, with the introduction of a new television ad that focuses on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's criminal conviction .

The campaign said the ad would be part of a $50 million investment in battleground states in June. A growing number of Democrats have urged the president to become more aggressive in stigmatizing Mr. Trump with his criminal conviction.

We see Donald Trump for who he is, the ad's narrator says. He was convicted of 34 felonies, convicted of sexual assault and committed financial fraud.

The ad ends by framing the election with the choice that the Biden campaign aims to etch into the memories of voters who might be hesitant to vote for Mr. Biden, whose approval ratings last week hit an all-time low of his presidency.

This election is between a convicted felon who only wants for himself and a president who fights for your family, the ad's narrator says.

Since Mr. Trump's trial ended last month, the president's Democratic allies have engaged in a wide-ranging discussion about how to use the New York jury's decision in the campaign.

While Mr. Trump regularly deplores his belief in his rally speeches and on his social media platform, Mr. Biden has mostly avoided the subject, aside from an offhand remark at a fundraiser in Connecticut this month -this. He has not attacked Mr. Trump over his criminal conviction in front of television cameras, although surrogates such as Gov. JB Pritzker of Illinois have been far less reluctant to do so.

In just 10 days, Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump will meet for their first campaign debate, an event the president's team hopes will help cement among voters the idea that the 2024 election is a choice between M .Biden and his predecessor.

Trump approaches first debate like a convicted felon who continues to prove he will do anything and hurt anyone if it means more power and revenge for Donald Trump, Michael Tyler says, door -Biden campaign spokesperson. His entire campaign is an exercise in vengeance and retribution.

A Trump campaign spokesperson said the new Biden campaign ads demonstrated that Mr. Biden carried out a coordinated attack on Mr. Trump, a theory for which there is no evidence. In addition to the New York case, Mr. Trump has been charged in two separate federal cases and one case in Georgia.

Joe Biden and his campaign are stupid enough to point out how they used the justice system as a weapon to attack the leading presidential candidate and his opponent to interfere in the election, said Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign. The Biden campaign has spent tens of millions of dollars on advertising, but their numbers haven't changed.

Mr. Trump has held a narrow lead over Mr. Biden in most public polls for months, although interviews with nearly 2,000 voters who participated in polls in recent months from The New York Times and Siena College have revealed a slight change in favor of Mr. Biden compared to Mr. Trump. after the conviction of the former president.




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