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Biden and Trump agree on ground rules for their first debate next week

Biden and Trump agree on ground rules for their first debate next week


(NewsNation) Ten days before their meeting, the current and former presidents of the United States reached a final agreement on the format, schedule and rules of their first debate, June 27 in Atlanta.

CNN confirms that the campaigns of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump agreed to a set of rules that have never been used in past debates, including no hearing, no ratings, no help from co-workers and no interruption from the other man.

To enforce the no-interruption rule, CNN will mute one candidate's microphone while the other speaks. The hope is to avoid the chaotic scene of the first debate of 2020, when Trump constantly interrupted and ridiculed Biden to the point where he finally said, “Will you shut up, man?”

You can watch the debate live on NewsNation on June 27. Join us for “It's Debate Night with Chris Cuomo” at 8 p.m./7C for pre-debate analysis. Don't know how to find us? Click here.

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(Trump) is the king of interrupting people. He loves to make jokes. He loves his one-liners, his zingers, Democratic strategist Krystal Knight said Sunday on NewsNation Prime. This will benefit President Biden, giving him the opportunity to fully explain himself and get his comments fully without being interrupted by Donald Trump, she added.

Knight says the lack of a studio audience will also help Biden since he won't have to hear from Trump supporters.

They love to heckle. They love to stand up, clap and boo. I don't think Donald Trump is as sharp as a lot of people think he is, and so I think his downfall will obviously be that he won't have energy in the room through an audience (or) helpful advisors.

The two men will not be able to call on their assistants during the 90-minute debates (two commercial breaks). The only items on the candidates' podiums will be a pad of paper, a pen and a bottle of water.

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Time to prepare for the debate will be limited between now and June 27, as both men will be busy on the campaign trail.

According to the New York Times, Biden's debate preparation will be overseen by his first White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, who played the same role in 2020.

Last week, Trump met with Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., to go over policy and other possible debate topics, multiple sources confirmed to The Hill. Schmitt is a close ally of Trump, while Rubio is among those being tapped as a potential vice presidential candidate on the Republican ticket.

Under CNN rules, debate participants must be listed on the ballot in enough states to give them a chance of winning the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is officially registered to vote in states with 89 electoral votes. Over the weekend, CNN said that “while not impossible,” Kennedy is unlikely to qualify.

For the first time since its creation in 1987, the Commission on Presidential Debates will not be involved in the two debates scheduled so far. Cooperation with the Commission was a condition for candidates to receive federal matching funds for their campaigns, but in 2008, former President Barack Obama refused the federal money and the restrictions attached to it. Since then, most major candidates have followed suit.

The genesis of next week's debate and that of September 10 which will be organized by ABC took place quickly in early spring. Biden released a campaign video challenging the former president to meet with him for debates in June and September. Trump accepted the challenge and the debates were scheduled before the end of the day.

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The modern tradition of the presidential debate began in 1960, when John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon met four times. But there were 16 years left before the next meeting. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter faced each other three times, and the first vice-presidential debate came into play. Democrat Walter Mondale and Republican Bob Dole met once.

The first debate involving a major independent candidate took place in September 1980, when Republican challenger Ronald Reagan shared the stage with independent John Anderson. Outgoing President Jimmy Carter refused to participate in a three-way debate, but found himself face-to-face with Reagan a month later.

Three three-way debates took place in 1992 between outgoing President George HW Bush, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, and businessman Ross Perot.

The country experienced an overdose of debates more than a year before the 2000 general election. Republican candidates met 13 times in five months in town halls and formal debates. Democratic candidates held nine joint events. Prospective candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush held three debates, while their running mates met once.

Debate fever had been raging for more than 19 months before the 2008 election, as Republicans held 16 town halls and debates, while Democrats held 19 meetings.

The Associated Press and The Hill contributed to this report




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