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Jokowi, Gibran and Megawati donate cows for sacrifice, this is the price

Jokowi, Gibran and Megawati donate cows for sacrifice, this is the price
Jokowi, Gibran and Megawati donate cows for sacrifice, this is the price


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – A number of officials and political figures donated sacrificial cows weighing over a tonne to the Istiqlal Mosque. They are President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Prabowo Subianto, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Citing detikNews, President Jokowi donated a Limousin cow weighing 1.3 tons. At the time, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's sacrificial cow weighed 1.2 tonnes.

Furthermore, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto donated Sukabumi cattle weighing 1.2 tons. Then, Vice President-elect and Jokowi's eldest son Gibran Rakabuming Raka donated a cow weighing 1.2 tons.

All sacrificial cows are expected to be slaughtered today, Monday (6/17/2024). It would therefore be interesting to know the price of cows given by these figures.

In Radio Dalam area, South Jakarta, a livestock trader named Dedy (41) said the price of livestock weighing 1 to 1.2 tons was around IDR 100 million. Meanwhile, for weights above 1.2 tons, it ranges from IDR 110 million to IDR 115 million.

“If it's more than 1.2 tons, it's around Rp. 100 million. It depends on the version, whether it's Onggol or Limosin. Well, if it's a Limosin, it's at least Rp 100 million, that's 1.2 tons. If it's 1.3 tons, it's about Rp 110 million – Rp 115 million,” Dedy told detikcom, quoted Monday (06/17/2024).

He further explained that the price of cattle measuring 1 ton and above was relatively high because the farmer had been caring for the cattle for a long time. An average one ton cow is guaranteed to be over 5 years old.

“Usually these cows are kept until they are really big, and then, just on Eid, someone dares to buy them, so they sell them too. These are usually cows over 5 years,” he explained.

Dedy said one of the cows which is usually giant in size and weighs more than a tonne is a Limousin type. The price of this cow is high because it originated in Australia and was later bred in Indonesia, so it is tame. Therefore, the price of Limousine cattle is relatively high due to genetic factors as well as the farmer's efforts in caring for the cattle.

Relatedly, Executive Director of the Indonesian Beef Cattle Breeding Business Association (Gapuspindo) Joni Liano revealed that the price range of cattle of different types weighing more than one ton is around IDR 100 million. The price can be even higher if the cow weighs more than a ton.

“It could exceed Rp 100 million. And I saw the cows in good condition, they were clean. They were in solid shape if you saw them on TV,” he said.

Joni said that there are several factors that make the price of sacrificial cows expensive in the market during Eid al-Adha 2024. Firstly, it is the type, he said, the expensive types are now Limosin and Simental, the two cows have very good meat quality.

Second, weight. The heavier the cow, the more it will cost, because its weight is directly proportional to the amount of meat it contains.

The third factor, because of the market. Joni thinks Indonesians don't bid much because Eid al-Adha is a boost for buyers to give alms.

“Weight affects prices and prices during Eid because there is no precise benchmark for sacrifices. Farmers during Eid Hajj get good prices because buyers do not bid too much because that it is religious law,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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The KPU determines Prabowo as president-elect, that's what Jokowi says!

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