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Did MI5 issue a Chinese spy alert to divert attention?

Did MI5 issue a Chinese spy alert to divert attention?


MI5, former Prime Minister, Chinese spy,MI5, former Prime Minister, Chinese spy,
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Source: @BorisJohnson

Britain's domestic spy agency MI5 has issued an alert labeling a woman a Chinese agent. A court heard it may have been done to distract from a COVID lockdown scandal. The scandal involved former Prime Minister Boris Johnson

MI5 sent an alert notice in January 2022 regarding lawyer Christine Lee. They alleged that she was involved in political interference activities in the United Kingdom. It was in the name of China's ruling Communist Party.

Accused Chinese spy sues MI5

The Speaker of the House of Commons issued the warning to lawmakers. MI5 said it found Lee facilitated financial donations to serving and aspiring parliamentarians on behalf of foreign nationals based in Hong Kong and China.

Lee is now suing MI5 for unspecified damages.

At an Investigatory Powers Tribunal hearing on Monday, his lawyer Ramby de Mello read out a message sent to Lee from Labor Party member Barry Gardiner. Gardiner wrote that many people believed the timing of the alert was to distract from Johnson's admission of an unlawful assembly in Downing Street.

Nitin A Gokhale WhatsApp ChannelNitin A Gokhale WhatsApp Channel

Boris apologizes to Parliament

Johnson had apologized to Parliament for attending a drinking gathering.

De Mello said MI5 did not have the power to issue an unprecedented notice. He added that the notice was factually incorrect in claiming that Lee had carried out political interference activities on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party.

MI5 defends its decision

MI5 lawyers said national security reasons had prompted the alert. They said the assessments were “rational and lawful.”

With contributions from Reuters

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Traveler, bibliophile and writer passionate about international relations. An aspiring journalist and short story writer, life is a daily struggle to discover the latest news while trying to be Hemingway at the same time. Focused particularly on Europe and Western Asia, discussing Brexit, the Iranian crisis and all related issues is a passion that continues to this day. Firmly believes that life without the written word is a life best not lived. It's me, Ashwin Ahmad.




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