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Biographer says Trump has serious memory problems and doesn't even remember me

Biographer says Trump has serious memory problems and doesn't even remember me


DETROIT, MICHIGAN – JUNE 15, 2024: Former President Donald Trump speaks at the People's Convention… [+] hosted by Turning Point Action at Huntington Place in Detroit, Michigan on June 15, 2024. (Photo by Adam J. Dewey/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Anadolu via Getty Images

An author who interviewed Donald Trump six times for his upcoming book Apprentice in Wonderland, about the show that turned businessman Trump into a reality TV star on his way to the White House, claims that the former president has serious memory problems and cannot remember certain things. , he didn't even remember me.

In an interview Monday morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Variety co-editor Ramin Setoodeh said he really got to know Donald Trump after the presidency and got to see what he was like.

Setoodeh noted that Trump, in a weekend speech, suggested that President Biden should take a cognitive test to determine his fitness for office, but the author says it was Trump who showed serious problems from memory during interviews for the book. As the journalist who spent the most time with him, I have to say that he didn't remember anything, he didn't even remember me.

Setoodeh said he spent an hour with Trump in 2021 and visited the former president again a few months later for an interview at Trump Tower. He had this blank look on his face and I said do you remember me? and he said no, he had no memory of our long interview.

The author, whose book comes out Tuesday, said I think the American public needs to see this portrait of Donald Trump because it shows what he looks like, who he is and who he has always been.

WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA – JUNE 14: Former President Donald Trump speaks to members of Club 47… [+] group at the Palm Beach Convention Center on June 14, 2024, in West Palm Beach, Florida. Trump celebrated his 78th birthday at the event. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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The Trump campaign responded to Setoodeh's book, rejecting the suggestion that Trump has memory problems. President Trump knew who this individual was throughout the interview process, but this writer is a nobody and is insignificant, so of course he never made an impression, said Trump communications director Steven Cheung , in a press release.

Having recognized the importance of The Apprentice and its significant cultural impact on a global scale, this writer has now chosen to let Trump Derangement Syndrome rot his brain like so many other losers whose entire existence revolves around it. of President Trump.

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the “Turning… [+] Point: The People's Convention”, on June 15, 2024, at the Huntington Place Convention Center in Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP) (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images)

AFP via Getty Images

Setoodeh claims in his book that The Apprentice was key to Trump's ultimate victory in the 2016 presidential election, taking a bankrupt businessman and rebranding him as an industry titan with the talent and of the pragmatic style needed to run the country.

This is why Donald Trump became president of the United States, he told MSNBC. This is why he is now a candidate and could become President of the United States again.

Trump's mental temperament after the White House, his fixation on revenge, Joe, he's still obsessed with you. He talked in detail about an interview you did in 2015, he told Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough. Most presidents after the presidency think of happier thoughts, of moving on with their lives, but he remembered all the negative things someone said.




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