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Erdoan calls for end to political tensions in Türkiye

Erdoan calls for end to political tensions in Türkiye



Erdoan calls for end to political tensions in Trkiye

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan expressed the need for the political atmosphere in Trkiyes to leave behind controversies and tense climate, saying politics should no longer be seen as a “war of attrition.”

Addressing the provincial organizations of his party, the Justice and Development Party (AKP), via video conference on June 17, Erdoan stressed that politics, which should be a competition to serve the country, should not be perceived as a “war of attrition” between the different parties.

“To this end, it is imperative that the opposition quickly abandons the habit of engaging in politics with baseless accusations, smears and accusatory statements that do not correspond to political comity.”

He noted that the time has long come for a constructive, positive and unifying tone to prevail in the opposition's discourse, replacing destructive and provocative language.

The president expressed optimism that the atmosphere fostered by Eid al-Adha would strengthen a climate of peace, calling for policy to be conducted in this direction.

Trkiye must quickly overcome the tense atmosphere created by the recent local elections and focus entirely on the future.

He stressed that the AKP, with the number of its members, represents the broadest political organization in Trkiye, reaffirming the unity of the People's Alliance formed with the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

“The People's Alliance is the guarantee of unity, integrity and brotherhood of 85 million people. The stronger our alliance, the safer Trkiye will be.”

Erdoan's remarks came as journalists inquired about recent statements by ruling alliance partner MHP leader Devlet Baheli.

Erdoan also addressed the Israeli attacks in Gaza, emphasizing that Muslims experienced a solemn Eid due to the events taking place in the Palestinian territory which resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians.

“The pain of our 38,000 brothers and sisters cowardly martyred by the genocidal Israeli administration weighs heavily on the hearts of our nation and the Muslim community. We are not only tested as Muslims but also as “human beings during these days of trial,” he said. .

“Protesting against the massacre in Gaza is not only our duty of fraternity but also our duty of humanity.”

Erdoan stressed the urgency for the world to immediately intervene and put an end to ongoing Israeli attacks.

“As Trkiye, we are mobilizing all our resources to establish permanent peace in our region and hold the perpetrators of the genocide accountable,” Erdoan said, recalling that Trkiye will soon join South Africa's genocide trial against Israel before the International Court of Justice.

Erdoan also highlighted that Trkiye had delivered the most aid supplies to Gaza among all countries and highlighted the ongoing robust dialogues with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

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