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New York court refuses to hear Trump's appeal of hush money case hush order

New York court refuses to hear Trump's appeal of hush money case hush order


NEW YORK (AP) New York's highest court declined Tuesday to hear an appeal of Donald Trump's hush money order in his hush money case, leaving the restrictions in place after his felony conviction last month last. The Court of Appeal found that the order did not raise substantial constitutional questions that would warrant immediate intervention.

The decision is the latest legal setback for the former Republican president, who has repeatedly denounced the silence that prevents him from commenting on witnesses, jurors and others involved in the case. But this could be short-lived. Trial Judge Juan M. Merchan is expected to rule soon on a defense request to lift the silence order.

A Trump campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, said Tuesday that the ex-president's legal team will continue to fight the unconstitutional gag order imposed by Judge Merchan.

Trump's lawyers filed a notice of appeal with the state's high court on May 15, during the former president's historic criminal trial. They argued that the silence restricted Trump's primary policy discourse on issues of central importance during the height of his presidential campaign.

But the Court of Appeal disagreed. In a list of decisions released Tuesday, the court said it would not automatically hear the case, writing that no substantial constitutional issue was directly involved.

Trump's lawyers were essentially seeking a shortcut to expedite their appeal, which was rejected by the state's intermediate appeals court last month. They now have 30 days to file a request for leave to appeal, according to court spokesperson Gary Spencer.

Merchan imposed silence on March 26, weeks before the trial began, after prosecutors expressed concerns about the alleged tendency of Republican presidential candidates to attack people involved in his affairs.

During the trial, Merchan found Trump in contempt of court and fined him $10,000 for violating the silence order. The judge threatened to put Trump in jail if he did it again.

AP correspondent Julie Walker reports on Donald Trump's latest attempts to have his hush money order lifted.

The order remains in effect weeks after the conclusion of the trial, which ended with Trump's conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records stemming from what prosecutors said was an attempt to conceal a payment of hush money to porn actor Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election. Daniels claims she had a sexual relationship with Trump a decade earlier, which he denies. He is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11.

The Manhattan district attorney's office had urged the appeals court to reject the appeal. In their own letter, prosecutors said the question of whether the order should be lifted could be addressed in post-trial court filings.

Trump's lawyers have argued that he should be allowed to fully answer the case, given continued public criticism of him from his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen and Daniels, both key witnesses in the case. 'charge.

A few days after the verdict, they sent a letter to Merchan asking him to lift the silence. They followed up last week with a formal motion calling for the restrictions to be reversed. Prosecutors have until Thursday to respond. Merchan is expected to govern soon afterward, perhaps before Trump's June 27 debate with President Joe Biden.

It's a bit of a theater of the absurd at this point, isn't it? Michael Cohen is no longer a witness in this trial, Trump lawyer Todd Blanche told the AP earlier this month. The trial is over.

A spokesperson for the Manhattan District Attorney's Office did not respond to a request for comment.


AP writer Michael Hill contributed reporting from Altamont, N.Y.




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