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The problem lies in the lack of political philosophies

The problem lies in the lack of political philosophies


In a recent article, Cumhuriyet's Nilgun Cerrahoglu highlighted President Erdoan's invitation to the G7 summit in Italy. This event, which highlights Ankara's continued alliance with the Western bloc since 1952, may have a significant impact on Moscow's aspirations. However, as geopolitical dynamics develop, a deeper problem emerges: the absence of solid political philosophies in Turkish politics.

International relations, as observed over the decades, often operate without a clear guiding philosophy, making alliances and enmities ephemeral and transactional. This phenomenon was echoed by a Tabriz diplomat in 1979, who described international relations as a field devoid of paternal or maternal leadership. The absence of a core philosophy in Turkish politics, particularly during and after the Cold War, highlights a critical vulnerability.

The Italian government should not expect substantial changes in Erdoan's foreign policy after the G7. His administration's stance on various international platforms, including BRICS, often resembles momentary propaganda more than substantive policy changes. This reflects a broader problem within Turkish governance: the emphasis on short-term gains rather than long-term philosophical coherence.

Turkey's economic challenges and domestic political problems have become more pressing under the 21.5-year-old Erdoan government. Devlet Bahçeli's recent threats to support a coalition between the AKP and CHP highlight internal political frictions. These frictions have less to do with conflicting political philosophies than with the absence of any guiding philosophy in Turkish politics. The political maneuverings of leaders like Meral Akener also highlight this void, often resulting in strategic missteps rather than visionary leadership.

The dichotomous capitalist-socialist confrontation of the Cold War era left little room for Turkey to develop its own political philosophies. Instead, it has operated under close scrutiny from Washington, with no real expectations or space for local political thinking. This lack of philosophical development was masked by Turkey's transition to a multi-party system in 1950, which, despite military coups, maintained the country's political framework.

Turgut Özal's leadership in the 1980s to privatize and reduce state participation in investments reflected the neoliberal policies of leaders like Margaret Thatcher. However, Özal's failure to cultivate a new political philosophy contributed to the eventual decline of the Ana Vatan Party. Likewise, the broken promises of Süleyman Demirel and the collapse of center-right politics in the late 1990s illustrate the consequences of the absence of a coherent political philosophy.

The rise of political Islam under Erdoan in 2002, after decades of secular parties relying on the military, appears to be a paradigm shift. Yet the AKP's inability to innovate in its political philosophy has led to a decline in enthusiasm among its base. Erdoan's emphasis on consolidating power rather than promoting a dynamic political ideology has resulted in increasingly evident stagnation.

Turkish nationalism, under the banner of the Nationalist Movement Party since 1969, has also failed to develop a lasting political philosophy. Instead of developing constructive policies, it often resorts to internal purges and aggressive attitudes, which could lead to significant societal problems.

Secular advocates, who revived Atatürk's political philosophy, provided new opportunities for the Republican People's Party (CHP). However, the AKP's superficial efforts at political “softening” may soon reveal their limits.

In conclusion, the lack of a coherent political philosophy in Turkish politics is a fundamental problem. As Turkey plays its role on the global stage and addresses internal challenges, the need for visionary leadership and a strong political philosophy becomes increasingly crucial. Without it, Turkey risks continuing its cycle of fleeting alliances and short-term gains, unable to guarantee a stable and prosperous future.




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