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India, US to strengthen high-tech cooperation

India, US to strengthen high-tech cooperation


Days into Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third term, India and the United States agreed to strengthen cooperation in high-tech areas during a visit by the White House national security adviser , Jake Sullivan, in New Delhi.

Sullivan met Modi, India's foreign minister and his Indian counterpart during the visit who reaffirmed that the two countries would pursue closer relations.

India is committed to further strengthening the India-US comprehensive global strategic partnership for global good, Modi wrote on X after meeting Sullivan on Monday.

The main objective of Sullivan's visit was to discuss with Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval a historic initiative launched by the two countries in January last year to collaborate more closely in areas of high technology, including defense, semiconductors, 5G wireless networks and artificial intelligence. .

The initiative, launched with the aim of countering China, marks a significant step forward in strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries.

Sullivan's visit at the start of the new Modi administration indicates that the United States wants to maintain the momentum of the high-tech partnership between the two countries, according to Manoj Joshi, a senior fellow at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi.

A joint fact sheet from the two countries following Sullivans' meeting with Doval says they launched a new strategic semiconductor partnership between U.S. and Indian companies for precision-guided munitions and other electronic platforms focused on national security.

They also agreed to co-invest in a lithium resources project in South America and a rare earth deposit in Africa “to diversify critical mineral supply chains” and discussed possible co-production of land warfare systems, according to the fact sheet.

Growing the domestic defense manufacturing sector remains a priority for the Modi administration, which seeks to reduce its dependence on imported weapons. Even though India has diversified its imports of military equipment, it remains heavily dependent on Russia.

For India, the technology initiative is a top priority as it aims to strengthen the country's security and develop its capabilities in high-tech areas.

India wants to become one of the leading countries in advanced technologies and it is very beneficial for New Delhi to partner with the United States, a leader in these areas, Joshi said. The idea is to engage in co-production, co-development, innovation and to attract American companies to set up here.

Sullivan also met with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyan Jaishankar, who has been retained as foreign minister in the new Modi administration, signaling the continuation of the country's foreign policy. Confident that the India-US strategic partnership will continue to make strong progress during our new term,” Jaishankar wrote on X.

In Washington, White House national security communications adviser John Kirby told reporters on Monday that India and the United States share a unique bond of friendship and that Mr. Sullivan's trip to India will further deepen the already strong partnership between the United States and India to create a more secure and prosperous Indo. -Peaceful.

Ties between New Delhi and Washington have expanded in recent years amid mutual concerns between the two countries over an assertive China. The military conflict between India and Beijing along their disputed Himalayan borders remains unresolved four years after a clash between their troops.

While Sullivan was visiting India, an Indian national, Nikhil Gupta, accused of trying to hire a hitman to assassinate a Sikh separatist leader in the United States, appeared in court in New York on Monday after his extradition from the Czech Republic. The alleged plan was foiled.

Allegations by U.S. prosecutors about the involvement of an Indian government official in the plot to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a dual U.S. and Canadian citizen, have raised concerns about a strain in bilateral relations.

The U.S. allegations follow accusations made by Canada in September that Indian nationals were involved in the assassination of a Canadian Sikh leader.

India, which views Sikh separatist groups abroad as threats to its security, has denied involvement in both the killing in Canada and the alleged plot in the United States. But she said she had set up a commission of inquiry to examine the information provided by Washington.

New Delhi analysts say the ties are unlikely to be affected by the alleged murder plot. The United States is rather pragmatic on these issues. They continue to emphasize that ties with India are important, so I don't think a failed plot will derail ties, Joshi said.




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