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'I am indebted to you': PM Modi on his first visit to Varanasi after poll victory | News from India

'I am indebted to you': PM Modi on his first visit to Varanasi after poll victory |  News from India


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday marked his first trip to his parliamentary constituency of Varanasi since his re-election for a third term. He released the 17th installment of the Prime Minister's Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and said he was “indebted” to the people of Varanasi for the recent Lok Sabha verdict.
In the recent polls, Prime Minister Modi won a decisive victory in Varanasi, defeating Congress candidate Ajay Rai by a margin of 1,52,513 votes.PM Modi got 6,12,970 votes, while Rai polled 4,60,457 votes. Bahujan Samaj Party candidate Ather Jamal Lari came third with 33,766 votes.
“Thanks to the love and blessings of the people of Kashi, I got the opportunity to become the Prime Minister of the country. The people of Kashi chose me as their representative for the third time.”Mother Ganga took me as god, where do I come from?' (Mother Ganga adopted me, I am now part of Varanasi). In the 18th Lok Sabha elections, more than 64 million people in the country voted. This is the biggest election in the world,” PM Modi said.
“I recently went to Italy to participate in the G7 summit. If we add all the voters from the G7 countries, the number of voters in India will still be 1.5 times higher,” he added . “More than 31 million voters participated in this election. This is the largest number of voters in the world. This number is close to that of the entire American population. This beauty, this strength of democracy India attracts and influences the whole world. I thank all the voters of Varanasi for making the democracy festival a success.
Thanking the people of Varanasi, PM Modi added, “The people of Kashi have not only elected an MP but also a Prime Minister for the third time. The mandate given by the people of the country in this election is truly unprecedented. created a new story. It is rare in the democratic countries of the world that an elected government returns for the third time in a row. But this time the people of India also did this 60 years ago. The Indian government has achieved a hat-trick like this. »
The 17th part of PM-KISAN scheme aims to benefit over 9.26 crore farmers with a disbursement of over Rs 20,000 crore. Certificates were given to over 30,000 self-help groups formed like Krishi Sakhis to serve as para-popularizers.
“This trust from you is my greatest asset. This trust from you inspires me to work hard for your service and take the country to new heights. I will work hard day and night. I will do my utmost to achieve your dreams and resolutions I considered farmers, youth, women and poor people as the strong pillars of developed India I started my third term with their empowerment Right from the formation of the government, the first. decision has been taken regarding farmers and poor families Whether it is building 3 million new houses for poor families across the country or taking forward Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi, these decisions will help millions of people. people. Today's program will also strengthen this path of developed India,” he added.
“Our Kashi has been the capital of culture. Our Kashi has been the capital of all knowledge. But with all this, Kashi has become such a city which has shown the whole world that even a heritage city can write a new chapter of history.urban development.The mantra of development as well as heritage is visible everywhere in Kashi,” PM Modi said.
The event, attended by Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and several state ministers, saw farmers receiving a training on good agricultural practices, emerging technologies, climate resilient agriculture and how to check their PM-KISAN beneficiary and payment status. They will also learn how to use the Kisan-eMitra Chatbot.
Prime Minister Modi also offered prayers at Kashi Vishwanath Temple and participated in the Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat. He will spend the night in Varanasi and leave for Bihar on Wednesday morning.




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