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Trump declares his love for Milwaukee at rally days after calling it a horrible city | Donald Trump

Trump declares his love for Milwaukee at rally days after calling it a horrible city |  Donald Trump


Donald Trump made a brazen offer of support in the swing state of Wisconsin on Tuesday, declaring his affection for its largest metropolis, Milwaukee, just days after denigrating it as a horrible city.

Needing to explain his own words to a city that will host the Republican National Convention next month, the former president predictably chose to tackle the issue head-on at a campaign rally in the nearby town of Racine, about 30 miles from Milwaukee along the shores of Lake Michigan.

I love Milwaukee. I'm the one who chose Milwaukee, he said in his opening words to an enthusiastic crowd at the Racines Outdoor Festival Park.

Trump speaks Tuesday at the outdoor festival grounds in Racines, Wisconsin. Photograph: Brendan McDermid/Reuters

These people who lie say: Oh, he doesn't like Milwaukee. I love Milwaukee. I said: you have to repair the crime. But I'm the one who chose Milwaukee and the Democrats, or the radical left crazies, as I call them, what they say is just terrible. They lie, lie, lie.

His conciliatory message in Milwaukee reflected his campaign's sensitivity to the potential electoral cost of last week's remarks during a meeting with congressional Republicans at the U.S. Capitol, Trump's first visit since the Jan. 6 attack by a crowd trying to overturn his presidential election loss to Joe Biden. .

Republican parliamentarians and strategists rushed to minimize or contextualize the unflattering comments, initially reported on the Punchbowl site, and which were all the more embarrassing given that Milwaukee will host the party's national convention starting July 15.

Democrats seized on those comments with an ad blitz that included a billboard placed near the site of Tuesday's rally that read: Want to know what's really horrible? Donald Trump for Wisconsin's economy.

Ten billboards are being placed throughout Milwaukee displaying Trump's negative portrayal in the run-up to the convention, which will see Trump once again nominated as the Republican presidential nominee.

A billboard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, quotes Trump criticizing the city, June 14, 2024. Photograph: Kamil Krzaczyski/AFP/Getty Images

Tuesday's rally was also Trump's first visit to Wisconsin since his conviction last month in a New York court on 34 counts of falsifying documents to conceal secret payments made before the 2016 presidential election to an adult film star who testified that she had sex with him.

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The conviction was another focal point of a $50 million Democratic advertising offensive in Wisconsin and other battleground states for the month of June. A 30-second ad that began airing Monday focused on Trump's criminal status in an effort to negatively compare his character to that of presidents.

The competitive message between the two parties reflects the key battleground status gained by Wisconsin – which was narrowly won by Trump in his victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, but which Biden won by about 21,000 votes in 2020 .

A RealClearPolitics survey this week showed Biden with a 39.3% approval rating in Wisconsin, with 55.7% disapproving.

Trump and Biden are neck and neck in most national polls, with Trump leading in several battleground states.




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