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Dear Conservative voter: I see you have received an emergency letter from Boris Johnson. Things can only get worse | Hugh Muir

Dear Conservative voter: I see you have received an emergency letter from Boris Johnson.  Things can only get worse |  Hugh Muir


AAnd that's how it happened. We were told this some time ago, via The Times and sources very close to Boris Johnson, that the fate of Rishi Sunak would ultimately be so worrying that he would turn to Boris Johnson.

At the time, many of us saw this as just further evidence of Boris Johnson's view that Boris Johnson was indispensable, but now we learn that Sunak believes it too, as Johnson is apparently being asked to write to tens of thousands of Conservative voters. imploring them to vote Conservative.

The fact that this implies some approval from Sunak will of course make the task more complicated, as the former Conservative Prime Minister's esteem for the current one is no wider than a teaspoon of money. But Johnson always said he was willing to serve, and he was always willing to serve himself. And that's what he will do, and it will be as honest and truthful as the reports he wrote at the time, exaggerating Brussels' threat to the banana sufficiently bent and announcing the ban which was not on shrimp cocktail chips.

There are of course many approaches he could take. He could repeat Sunak's line that the plan is working, which it is in that Johnson, who was lazy, arrogant and useless, was replaced by Liz Truss, who worked harder, but was unhinged and useless , and was replaced by Sunak, working very hard in his own way, in his own Prada loafers. He too has proven useless, in the eyes of conservatives, the nation and all those who think that a future government, however well-intentioned, will need a functional opposition. But we can say that the PM curve has gone up a little in terms of effort.

What will the letter say? Will he mention the achievement of Brexit? Truck drivers can read it while they queue and queue in Dover.

Will he mention the pandemic? He changed so many lives back then. And the Covid investigation heard complaints that his astounding incompetence as a manager also ended many of them.

What will he say when he goes to the next level? The idea never really worked in Red Wall, where Labor first voted Conservative in 2019. Yet it's hard to look at the million-euro deal Johnson signed with the Daily Mail following the failure of his mandate as Prime Minister and saying no. good came from it. He leveled up. He led by example. If others struggled to match him, it wasn't his fault.

So this will be a real endorsement that lands on Tory doormats: a failed and disgraced Prime Minister telling members to vote for another failed and ridiculed Prime Minister whose historic policies, considered his legacy, were rejected two years ago month as absolutely crazy. This makes perfect sense to them, but it makes no sense to anyone who hasn't drunk their particular brand of Tory Kool-Aid. This is why oblivion threatens the 4th of July.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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