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Rishi Sunak says Boris Johnson's support for Tory election campaign 'will make a difference' as he praises former leader's support for candidates

Rishi Sunak says Boris Johnson's support for Tory election campaign 'will make a difference' as he praises former leader's support for candidates


Rishi Sunak today welcomed Boris Johnson's support for the Conservatives' election campaign, saying it will “make a difference” to the parties' fortunes on July 4.

The Prime Minister praised his predecessor for providing personal support to a number of Conservatives seeking re-election.

Mr Johnson, who is currently in Sardinia with his family, has recorded video messages for Conservatives including Sir Simon Clarke, Paul Bristow, Nick Fletcher, Tom Hunt and Jane Stevenson.

It came like Mr Sunakhighlighted the Conservatives' defensive strategy today while campaigning in north Devon.

The Prime Minister joined former Attorney General Geoffrey Cox in Torridge & Tavistock – where he had a notional majority of almost 23,000 votes in the 2019 election.

The couple joined a group of fishermen catching lobster and talking to local activists on Clovelly beach.

He then traveled to North Devon, where Selaine Saxby is defending a majority of almost 15,000 votes.

But Mr Sunak's focus on previously ultra-safe seats will increase concern within the party about the prospect of near annihilation on July 4.

The Prime Minister praised his predecessor for providing personal support to a number of Conservatives seeking re-election.

The Prime Minister praised his predecessor for providing personal support to a number of Conservatives seeking re-election.

Mr Johnson has recorded video messages for Conservatives including Sir Simon Clarke, Paul Bristow, Nick Fletcher, Tom Hunt and Jane Stevenson.

Mr Johnson has recorded video messages for Conservatives including Sir Simon Clarke, Paul Bristow, Nick Fletcher, Tom Hunt and Jane Stevenson.

A massive Survation poll – carried out using the so-called MRP technique – showed Sir Geoffrey losing his seat, with the Conservatives reduced to just 72 MPs.

Speaking to broadcasters today, Mr Sunak said: “It's great that Boris is supporting the Conservative Party, I'm very pleased about that.

“He supports many candidates in campaign-coordinated videos and letters. I know it will make a difference.

“And of course, every week he makes his case in his column and makes sure everyone understands what the Labor government would do to this country and why it's important that everyone votes Conservative. And I'm happy he's doing that.

He also denied claims that other high-profile conservative figures had been kept off the campaign trail, insisting that “they all campaigned a lot.”

The Prime Minister was joined by Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron in north Devon on Tuesday, but he was accused of running a presidential-style general election campaign with little involvement from other Cabinet ministers.

Asked about the claims, he told reporters during his visit: “I don’t think it’s quite right.

“They’ve all done a lot of campaigning, haven’t they? Like David (Cameron) who campaigned a lot in many places… Claire (Coutinho) was with me yesterday. Penny (Mordaunt) took part in the all-party debate, didn't she?

“So you see the whole team doing a lot of campaigning.”

He also joked that “as far as I know, I can't turn on the TV screen without seeing Grant (Shapps)”.

The MRP surveysuggested Keir Starmer could win by an incredible margin of 262, with Nigel Farage's Reform Party securing seven MPs.

Home Secretary James Cleverly was expected to lose his seat in Braintree, while Chancellor Jeremy Hunt would fall victim to the Liberal Democrats in Godalming and Ash.

Electoral experts have warned that previously ultra-secure seats are under threat as the party's core vote collapses – comparing this to Churchill's defeat in the 1945 election.

Conservatives are urging Mr Sunak to take the gloves off against Nigel Farage as the battle to stave off the Reform threat intensifies.

Concern is growing over the passive approach taken by the prime minister as the insurgents gain ground in the polls.

Senior Tories have warned that the current strategy of largely ignoring the Brexit champion and focusing the fire on Labor is “not working”, insisting Mr Sunak must get “personal” to prevent the party to lose votes.

A Cabinet minister told MailOnline that the tactic of not saying Mr Farage's name – similar to the treatment of Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter – is 'ridiculous' and that Mr Sunak looks 'scared' .

Another former minister expressed alarm that their majority of around 20,000 was a “touch and go”, and the Prime Minister had to acknowledge that the Reform Party was the “real enemy” rather than Labor. They said of Mr Farage: “Rishi can't beat him in terms of personality. But Rishi can try to laugh at his absurd politics… our attack must be direct.

The defending MP added: “It's insane to ignore it like they are at the moment… they need to get personal.”

The Tory infighting came after another poll showed Reform leveled with the Conservatives, and Mr Farage unveiled a huge tax and spending cut programme.

Reform were ahead by one point with Redfield & Wilton Strategies, alongside the Conservatives on 18 per cent, both 25 points behind Labor.




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