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Republican critics in the House and Senate are getting more favorable treatment this time.

Republican critics in the House and Senate are getting more favorable treatment this time.


Something unusual happened last week when former President Donald Trump visited the Capitol for the first time since the Jan. 6 riots. Despite having his first face-to-face meeting in years with various Republican skeptics, haters and resisters of the Trump cause, Trump was friendly with them. He actually overlooked the negative things people had said about him in the past, or felt in the present, to appear conciliatory. His identity was checked. This has never happened before.

What the hell is happening?

Trump visited House and Senate Republican rallies last Thursday. (Neither was in the Capitol building itself, but just off campus at party retreats where politics could be discussed more freely.) At the House meeting, he made a peace offering to California Rep. David Valadao, one of two remaining House Republicans. who voted to impeach Trump. No such peace offer was on the table in the 2022 primaries. He also supported Florida Rep. Laurel Lee, a privilege not previously granted to members of Congress who supported Ron DeSantis during of the presidential primary. He congratulated South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace, a former foe he tried to eliminate in 2022, for her recent primary victory. He joked with Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who had recently directly defied his wishes by proposing to oust Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. Greene nearly fainted while remembering the interaction during an interview afterward.

Over in the Senate, where a much higher percentage of Republicans came out against Trump, the situation was also strangely peachy. The most notable Senate Republican to break with Trump, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, shook the guy's hand multiple times during his first speaking engagement since 2020. According to a senator who addressed the Hill, Trump absolved McConnell of any blame in the Senate. Republicans performed poorly in the 2022 midterms and told him that you have always worked very hard to increase the number of candidates. [Senate] Republicans. Utah Senator Mitt Romney, who still hates Trump, was at the meeting, right there! and Trump hasn't made a single dig at the fact that he's a loser.

Later in the day, he expressed support for Larry Hogan, another prominent anti-Trump Republican, in his Maryland Senate race. The cynical interpretation, while certainly possible, is that Trump was trying to ruin Hogan's chances in a deep blue state by kissing him. But there is little detectable sass in his specific verbiage. He seemed particularly interested in the utility of winning an additional Senate seat, even if the winner would win that seat by keeping his distance from Trump.

I would like to see him win, Trump said of Hogan. I think he has a good chance of winning. I would like to see him win. And we must take the majority.

Where is the Trump who seeks to make disloyal Republicans lose, contrary to his own political interests? Was there nothing racist to say about McConnell's wife? How did Romney enter and exit this room without being noticed?

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This is a continuation of a trend I noticed a few months ago, whereby Trump, now that he's on the ballot, is campaigning on a more pragmatic path for the party than he has. 'has done as an agent of chaos in the 2022 cycle. (As I also noted at the time, this does not mean he will govern pragmatically.) It means urging the party to tone down its more rigid beliefs about abortion and in vitro fertilization; support more eligible senatorial candidates in swing states; and calling on House Republicans and Marjorie Taylor Greene to end their ongoing dysfunctional drama for a few months.

While Trump was suddenly insisting that others drop the jokes and stick strictly to the message about the border and inflation, he had not yet applied that rule to himself. And he still made his share of unintentional news during his visit to House Republicans. A comment from Trump about Milwaukee, the host site of the Republican National Convention and the largest city in a pivotal swing state, being a horrible city was more of what Trump was accustomed to.

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But overall, the focus of this Trump campaign, compared to any previous campaigns Trump has run, or any midterm elections he has interfered in, is unmistakable. Think about the campaign dramas of previous cycles and the daily stories about staff anarchy and failed efforts to control the candidate. People like Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Paul Manafort, Brad Parscale and Bill Stepien became household names for their roles in overseeing Trump's ramshackle operation, whose strategy was determined by what the candidate had in mind at any given moment. moment. This year, there's little news from the Trump campaign, and no one outside of political junkies knows who Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita are.

The Trump campaign, however, cannot be disciplined without the cooperation of the candidate. Neither Wiles nor LaCivita can force Trump to be civil to McConnell, Romney or Valadao, or to embrace the idea of ​​uniting the party's MAGA and non-MAGA blocs, if Trump is unwilling. So why does Trump want to run a more disciplined campaign, with fewer distractions, where he doesn't pursue his every impulse for revenge and self-destructive publicity for his heart's delight?

It's hard to see this as anything other than: avoiding a possible prison sentence has a way of focusing even the most indomitable spirits.




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