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Nancy Pelosi in Dharamsala India TV

Nancy Pelosi in Dharamsala India TV


Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Image Source: PTI Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Dharamsala: Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who is currently in Dharmasala, Himachal Pradesh, said in a strong message to Chinese President Xi Jinping: “You will be gone and no one will will give credit for anything.” Pelosi's critical remarks about Xi came as she compared the aura of the Chinese president and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. She said the Dalai Lama's message, knowledge and compassion will last forever. On the other hand, all his works (those of Xi) will be of no use once he leaves the planet.

“…His Holiness the Dalai Lama, with his message of knowledge, tradition, compassion, purity of soul and love, will live long and his legacy will live forever. But you, the President of China, you will be gone and no one will give you credit for anything,” Pelosi said.

Dalai Lama hopes Nancy Pelosi will shed her negative attitude

A bipartisan US Congress delegation, led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaulis, is visiting India to strengthen bilateral ties and meet the 88-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader. pointed out when she explained America's support for Tibet, the Dalai Lama did not approve. In fact, Pelosi claimed the Tibetan leader did not support criticism of the Chinese government and instead urged prayers for Nancy to shed her negative attitudes.

“The Dalai Lama would not approve of me saying that when I criticize the Chinese government,” he said, “let's pray that Nancy rids her of her negative attitudes. I hope he will allow me today to say that change is on the way. As our colleagues have said, hope brings a certain faith and the Tibetan people's faith in the goodness of others is what will make all the difference…” she said.

US set to sign Tibet bill

The US House of Representatives voted 391-26 last Wednesday to approve the Tibet-China Dispute Promotion and Resolution Act, which was passed by the Senate, a media report reported, adding that the bill The bill would allocate funds to counter what he calls disinformation from Beijing about Tibet's history, people and institutions.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian, reacting to the US delegation's visit, said at a press briefing here: The 14th Dalai Lama is not a pure religious figure, but an exile politician engaged in anti-Chinese separatist activities under the guise of religion. We are gravely concerned by the relevant reports and urge the US side to fully recognize the anti-China separatist nature of the Dalai Lama group, honor the commitments the US has made to China on Xizang-related issues, have no contact with the Dalai Lama group in this matter. in any form, and stop sending the wrong signal to the world, he said. China officially calls Tibet Xizang.

China urges Biden not to sign Tibet bill

Lin also urged Biden not to sign the bipartisan Tibet policy bill passed by both the US Senate and the House of Representatives. The bill is awaiting Biden's signature to make it law, according to Washington media reports.

Meanwhile, during the public felicitation program at the Tsuglagkhang Complex in Dharamshala, Pelosi said: “…You heard our colleagues talking about this legislation that was passed last week. We have been fighting against this for a long time and in the spirituality of His Holiness. Thanks to maneuvering within Congress, we have made progress. But it's different now with the passage of this bill (Resolve Tibet Act) because this bill is a message to the Chinese government that our thinking and understanding of this issue is clear. the freedom of Tibet. The listening from the head of our delegation and the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee was so masterful not only in the policy but in the process of getting it passed in the most bipartisan way…”

(With contribution from agencies)

Also read: China protests US delegation's visit to meet Dalai Lama, warns Biden against signing Tibet bill




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