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Nancy Peolsi meets the Dalai Lama: The Dalai Lama's legacy will live forever, you will be gone: Nancy Pelosi attacks Chinese President Xi Jinping

Nancy Peolsi meets the Dalai Lama: The Dalai Lama's legacy will live forever, you will be gone: Nancy Pelosi attacks Chinese President Xi Jinping


Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Peolsi, part of a bipartisan US delegation that met with the Dalai Lama on Wednesday, launched an offensive against Xi Jinping, saying that although the legacy of Tibetan spiritual leader will live forever, the Chinese president will be gone. in a few years.

Pelosi, who is on a two-day visit to India, said “no one will credit Xi for anything.”

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama, with his message of knowledge, tradition, compassion, purity of soul and love, will live long and his legacy will live forever. But you, the President of China, will be gone and no one will give credit for anything,” the former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives said.

Pelosi said the Dalai Lama would not approve of his comments against the Chinese. “When I criticize the Chinese government, he said, let's pray that Nancy rids it of its negative attitudes,” Pelosi said during the public felicitation program at the Tsuglagkhang complex in Dharamshala.

The bipartisan Congressional delegation arrived in India on Tuesday and was received the same day by officials of the Central Tibetan Administration at the Kangra airport in Himachal Pradesh.
Last week, the US Congress passed a bill urging Beijing to reconnect with the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan leaders to peacefully resolve their dispute over the status and governance of Tibet.
The US House of Representatives has passed the “Promoting a Resolution of the Tibet-China Dispute” bill, also known as the “Resolve Tibet Act”, and it must now be signed by President Joe Biden to become a law, Radio Free Asia reported. .
“You heard our colleagues talk about this legislation that passed last week. We have been fighting this for a long time and in the spirituality of His Holiness, through the maneuvering within Congress, we have made progress. But it is different now with the passage of this bill (Resolve Tibet Act) because this bill is a message to the Chinese government that we have clarity in our thinking and our understanding of this issue of freedom. Tibet,” Pelosi said.
Pelosi further recalled the Chinese president's visit to Washington, D.C., where she told him that the United States “objects” to what China is doing to Tibet's culture.

In response, Xi said: “You know what you are talking about, you should go there and see for yourself all the improvements that China is making in Tibet,” Pelosi recalled.

“They are trying to erase the culture by reducing the use of language. They are trying something that we cannot allow them to get away with. I will be kind to the Chinese people, I don't know if they are able to do it but we know the Chinese government is, and we know they need to get the message. This bill sends the message to the House and the Senate and will soon be signed by Joe Biden, the president. of the United States..” added the former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

US Congressman Gregory Meeks, who is also leading the US delegation's visit to India, sharply responded to Beijing's criticism of his visit and said the US would stand up for what is right.

“China can express its dissatisfaction if it wishes. We will stand up for what is right. What is right is to ensure that Tibetans enjoy freedom. They can return to their homeland and maintain their culture and history…That’s what’s important,” he said.

Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration said that “no one can really make China happy.”

“The meeting lasted about an hour. His Holiness (the Dalai Lama) spoke about the general interest of society… He thanked the members of the US Congress for passing the legislation,” Penpa Tsering told about the meeting of the American delegation. Dharamshala.

He added: “Who can make China happy? They need to look at the reality and the situation and understand it from a better perspective. »

The US legislation notably rejects Beijing's position that Tibet has been part of China since ancient times and urges China to “stop spreading disinformation about the history of Tibet, the Tibetan people and Tibetan institutions, including including that of the Dalai Lama.

He also urged China to begin negotiations with the Dalai Lama, who is Tibet's spiritual leader, and other Tibetan leaders over how Tibet is governed. No formal negotiations between the two parties have taken place since 2010.

Separately, China said on Tuesday that Beijing was “gravely concerned” by the US delegation's visit to Dharamshala.

At a regular press conference yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian called on the United States to fully recognize the anti-China separatist nature of the Dalai Lama Group and “stop 'send the wrong signal to the world'.




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