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Charlottesville massively rejects Donald Trump's candidate

Charlottesville massively rejects Donald Trump's candidate


A candidate backed by Donald Trump was soundly defeated in Charlottesville in Virginia's Republican congressional primary election.

State Sen. John McGuire is mounting a strong challenge to incumbent Rep. Bob Good, who is seeking a third term representing Virginia's 5th Congressional District. While ballots have yet to be counted, the race remains too close to call.

But in Charlottesville, Good holds a lead of more than 14 percentage points on 57 percent of the vote to McGuire's 42 percent, with about 97.5 percent of the votes counted.

Good, the chairman of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, drew Trump's ire after endorsing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for president. After DeSantis dropped out of the Republican presidential primary in January, Good immediately switched alliances to support Trump, calling him “the greatest president of my lifetime,” but Trump said it came “too late.” .

And he continued to criticize Good as he campaigned for McGuire during a telephone rally Monday night. “Unlike Bob Good, John McGuire won't let you down,” Trump said, according to the Associated Press.

Donald Trump and Virginia State Senator John McGuire, endorsed by the former president. McGuire mounts a strong challenge to incumbent Rep. Bob Good, but Good is well ahead in the polls in Charlottesville with Donald Trump and Virginia state Sen. John McGuire, who is backed by the former president. McGuire mounts strong challenge to incumbent Rep. Bob Good, but Good is well ahead in the polls in Charlottesville Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images/Skip Rowland/AP Photo

Trump has long been criticized for downplaying a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in 2017. He claimed both parties were at fault after a man drove his car into a group of counterprotesters, killing Heather Heyer, 32 years old.

“There were some very bad people in that group, but there were also some very good people, on both sides,” he told reporters a few days after the rally.

And earlier this year, Trump claimed the 2017 rally was “nothing” compared to pro-Palestinian campus protests against Israel's war in Gaza.

President Joe Biden has often cited Trump's response to the Charlottesville rally as what inspired him to run for president.

“I had no intention of running for president or office again … and then Charlottesville happened,” he said at a campaign event in October.

“People coming out of the woods, carrying torches – fields literally carrying torches in Charlottesville. Nazi swastikas accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists, and chanting the same vicious, anti-Semitic bile that was chanted in Germany in the 1990s 30. And a young woman was killed… And they asked my predecessor, the one who could be my adversary this time, what he thought about it.

“Remember what he said? I'm not kidding. He said, 'There are very good people on both sides.' … That’s when I decided I needed to run.”

Updated 6/19/24, 6 a.m. ET: This article has been updated with additional information.

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