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Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson celebrates his birthday with life-size wooden Indian elephants

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson celebrates his birthday with life-size wooden Indian elephants


According to the charity's website, the elephants are made from Lantana camara, one of the world's most invasive weeds.

This fast-growing noxious shrub controls 300,000 square kilometers of protected areas in India and pushes animals out of their forest habitats into urban areas, leading to increased human-wildlife conflicts.

Using lantana to create the elephants helps clear weeds from protected areas, giving wildlife more space to move, the association says.

Lantana's beautiful elephants come in four sizes and fit in all sorts of places, including gardens, business fronts, estates and schools,” he said.

“Each elephant has been meticulously created to the highest possible standards using dried lantana camara wrapped around a steel frame and coated with Osmo oil for protection,” he adds.

The Great Elephant Migration is part of the US and UK registered charity Elephant Family, which was created to harness the power of creativity and storytelling to inspire and enable human populations to share space with wildlife.

Earlier this week, Johnson took to social media to support some Conservative Party candidates in the upcoming July 4 general election, a move welcomed by former Allied Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

However, the prospect of more active election campaign support from the veteran Tory who resigned following the partygate scandal of parties breaking the COVID-19 lockdown law at Downing Street appears unlikely, as Johnson plans to be on vacation and return only around election time.

At the same time, his party suffered another blow as another major pre-election survey predicted heavy losses for the ruling Conservatives to the opposition Labor Party.

In its first multilevel, post-stratification regression (MRP) model of the 2024 campaign, IPSOS estimates that the party led by Keir Starmer could win 453 seats and the Conservatives 115.

This implies a historic majority of 256 for Labour, plunging the Sunak-led Conservatives to a record low and losing votes since the last general election in 2019.

While Labor has always enjoyed a 20-point lead in the polls, the IPSOS survey is the highest projection yet of what their majority could be.

The poll also predicts that the Liberal Democrats could win 38 seats, the Scottish National Party (SNP) 15, three for the Green Party and three for the far-right Reform UK party led by controversial leader Nigel Farage.

“Labor increases its vote share in 2019 across the country, particularly in Scotland and the North East, while the Conservatives lose votes in all regions, notably in the east and south of England , as well as in the Midlands,” said Kelly Beaver, Managing Director of IPSOS UK and Ireland.

“Perhaps most concerning for them are the signs in the data that they are particularly losing vote share in areas where they were strongest in 2019,” she said.




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