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Boris Johnson still agreed to be an electoral supporter of the Conservative Party after all Foreign countries

Boris Johnson still agreed to be an electoral supporter of the Conservative Party after all Foreign countries


The ex-minister's appeal is aimed at far-right conservatives. However, Johnson himself is not considered a candidate for election.

Backlit side profile of Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson, who led the Brexit campaign in Britain, celebrated the special day. Johnson pictured at the Abu Dhabi Energy Summit on April 16. Photo: Ali Haider / EPA

In Britain, a former prime minister Boris Johnson will play a more important role than expected in the Conservative Party's campaign for the parliamentary elections in July. A British newspaper talks about it The Daily Telegraph.

According to the newspaper, Johnson, who previously kept a low profile during the elections, has now become more active, after being warned by Tory politicians against taking a strong leadership position in the British People's Party.

According to conservatives, the People's Party could come to power in the July elections, even for a generation.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced snap elections outside his official residence on May 22.

Rishi Sunak's term as British Prime Minister is coming to an end, according to polls. Sunak said the election would take place in early July, on May 22. Image: Neil Hall / EPA

The current minister Rishi Sunakin on the other hand, led by the conservative party, started its electoral campaign in a position of obvious underdog.

Not only has support for the Conservative Party fallen to an all-time low during Sunak's term, but the party is losing elections, including Nigel Faragen for the main British reformist populist party, researcher at the academy Timo Miettinen tell.

The Conservative Party fears that Britain's Reform Party will divide the Conservative right wing into more candidates, the researcher said.

Nigel Farage, chairman of Reform UK, believes his party will succeed in the elections.

Reform UK was previously known as the Brexit Party. Johnson, the populist and Brexit supporter during his time as prime minister, has now been recruited to fish for the Tories.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the former prime minister is expected to contact his supporters by sending tens of thousands of self-signed letters to potential candidates over the coming week.

However, Johnson himself is not a candidate in the parliamentary elections.

Johnson's legacy of Brexit

Johnson, who turned 60 on Wednesday, remained a bystander in British politics after attempting to resign from the country's parliament last Wednesday.

On the other hand, he resigned as Prime Minister a year earlier. Johnson's resignation was prompted, among other things, by numerous political and personal upheavals.

Johnson was a bold, outspoken populist politician, whose key milestone was completing Brexit negotiations and implementing a hard line on Brexit, Miettinen describes.

A protester's sign outside Parliament in London, UK says Boris Johnson is celebrating your man's death.

Johnson left his post as an MP in the summer of 2023, after the end of the so-called Partygate investigation. Partygate referred to parties held by Johnson at his official residence during corona restrictions. Photo from May 2022. Photo: Andy Rain/EPA

Having retired from politics, Johnson spent his time as a columnist for the Daily Mail and worked on various book projects. There also had to be more time than before for her eight children.

Given Britain's current direction, academy researcher Miettinen does not think it is likely that Johnson will return to politics in the near future.

However, many Conservative politicians hoped Johnson would play a bigger role in the election campaign alongside Sunak. According to the Daily Telegraph, it remains unclear whether Johnson, who generally supports the Conservatives, would be willing to support Rishi Sunak specifically.

Sunak served as finance minister in Johnson's government and resigned from the post in the summer of 2022 due to perceived distrust of Johnson. Sunak's resignation was also seen as one of the first blows to the end of Johnson's premiership.

Support from Reform UK struggles to materialize

According to Miettinen, July 4 will be election day Keir Starmer led by the British People's Party is now the clear winner, whether Johnson supports the Conservative campaign or not.

Based on current forecasts, around 400 seats are expected for the basic party, while 326 seats are needed for the simple majority, specifies the researcher.

People's Party leader Keir Starmer during a radio interview in London on the 18th.

Keir Starmer's People's Party is expected to win a clear victory in the July elections. Starmer was filmed in London on the 18th. Kuva: Marcin Nowak / AOP

The Conservative Party, on the other hand, lost parliamentary seats significantly compared to the previous 344 seats. According to Miettinen, the party is expected to obtain around 140,150 seats in the July elections.

In total, 650 representatives are elected to the lower house of parliament.

Some of the parliamentary seats go to the Liberals and the Scottish People's Party, Miettinen Tydent.

On the other hand, the support of Reform UK, well ahead in the polls, hardly materialized during the elections. This is the reason for the plurality election method in Britain, where only the candidate with the most votes is elected in each constituency. According to Miettinen, support for Reform UK is considerably more dispersed than that of the major parties.

If, as expected, the British People's Party comes to power in July's elections, it will be the party's first electoral victory in 14 years.

According to the researcher, the direction of the island nation in the coming years will, for example, be the opposite of that of former Prime Minister Johnson: the majority of the population now hopes that Britain will come closer, for example, from the European Union. Union.

The next government could begin to promote membership of the customs union or something similar, in which Britain ties itself more strongly to the EU internal market. It is this development that is being followed with interest, says Miettinen.




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