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Jokowi's response to questions on the speech on social assistance for victims of online gambling

Jokowi's response to questions on the speech on social assistance for victims of online gambling



The discourse on granting social assistance (bansos) to victims of online gaming is currently in the spotlight. This is President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) response when asked about the plan.

The media team asked Jokowi about the social assistance plan for victims of online gambling during his visit to Sangiran Hamlet, Krendowahono Village, Gondangrejo District, Karanganyar Regency, Wednesday (19/2024). Jokowi responded only briefly with a smile.

“Nothing,” Jokowi said.



When asked if the speech on the provision of social assistance had been achieved, Jokowi responded similarly.

“Nothing,” he said.

For information, the issue of social assistance for victims of online gaming first appeared in a statement by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK), Muhadjir Effendy, at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, last Thursday (13/6).

Launched from Détik News, Muhadjir gave an example of the impact of online gaming, that many people have become poor. His party carried out the processing by entering residents' data into social assistance recipients.

“Yes, including many of those who become poor, it is our responsibility, the responsibility of the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture. We have done a lot of advocacy for those who are victims of online gaming, for example , then we include them in the DTKS as beneficiaries of social assistance Then those who suffer from psychosocial disorders then “We ask the Ministry of Social Affairs to come down to provide advice and give guidance”, Muhadjir said at the time. .

However, recently this statement was clarified by Muhadjir, after it became a controversy in the society. He clarified the public's understanding of his statement that “online gambling victims become welfare recipients.” Muhadjir stressed that it is not the authors of online games who receive social assistance, but rather the author's family who are the victims.

“Please understand, once again, the victims of online gambling are not players, but families who suffer financial, material or psychological harm, and if they fall into poverty, it is them who receive social assistance,” said Muhadjir Effendy. after Eid al-Adha prayers at the PP Muhamamdiyah Da'wah Center Building, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday (17/6).

It is therefore clear, Muhadjir continued, that the term “online gaming victim” does not mean the “player” himself, but rather “other parties affected by the player's behavior”, namely the player's family. who fell into poverty even though they didn't play.

Muhadjir said the attacker's family did not immediately receive social assistance. However, families who are victims of online gamers must also pass a check according to the social assistance recipient criteria of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). Regarding the “players” themselves, Muhadjir said they were criminals.

“For this reason, the perpetrators, both players and dealers, are lawbreakers and must be dealt with and this is the task of Cyber, the Task Force for the Suppression of Online Gambling is their task And I received an explanation from the Minister of Communication and Information, although I haven't received the decree yet, it's just later. leader is the coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs,” Muhadjir said.

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