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Trump's Veepstakes: Who Needs Who

Trump's Veepstakes: Who Needs Who


It's hard to say who needs who more.

Former President Trump or House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.

It is too early to say whether Mr. Trump will return to the White House next January. But he needs the Capitol's help if he's going to accomplish anything.

And it's at best a middle ground in determining which party might control the House. Johnson is certainly the favorite to retain the presidency if Republicans hold the House. But it's a question of mathematics. Eleven Republicans voted alongside efforts in early May by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to impeach Johnson. This won't work for Johnson if the GOP maintains only a slim majority. But an executive order from a potential President-elect Trump in January 2025 could save the day for Johnson if he struggles to muster votes for president on Jan. 3, the day set by the Constitution for the start of the 119th Congress.


Alongside former President Donald Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson. (Getty Images)

Fox learns that former President Trump needs party unity. This could be the key to legislative success if Mr. Trump returns to the White House for a 2.0 launch.

He could use help from the Hill.

Johnson this week made his second pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago to snuggle up with former President Trump in as many months. He was accompanied by Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). This is the organization dedicated to electing Republicans to the House.

“We will not waste a moment. We will work on a very aggressive agenda to solve all of the major problems that this country is facing right now,” Johnson said before his visit to South Florida.

The meeting came just days after former President Trump visited House and Senate Republicans in separate meetings on both sides of the Capitol. It was the first time Mr. Trump had approached the Capitol since the riot three and a half years ago.

“There is strength in unity and division is an invitation for your opponents to beat you. So I think he sees the benefit of unity,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Tex., said of of Mr. Trump.

It's worth noting that Cornyn could become Senate majority or minority leader next year. Current Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has a strained relationship with former President Trump.

Measuring draperies? Not clear. But the former president and congressional Republicans are refining their legislative agenda for 2025.

“Secure the border!” Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., said on Fox.

“We need to reduce energy costs,” Sen. Markwayne Mullin, Republican of Oklahoma, said on Fox.

“The world is a powder keg,” said Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y.

The former president is already making promises. Some of these might not involve congressional action.

“On the first day of my new administration, we are all beginning the largest deportation operation in American history,” warned Mr. Trump.


Another priority is renewing tax cuts that are expiring under the Trump era.

Such a plan would likely require the Senate to use a special budget process to avoid a filibuster. This is called “reconciliation”. The Senate can only deploy this parliamentary tool on bills that do not directly deal with policy – ​​but focus on fiscal or tax issues. Senate Republicans used budget reconciliation to greenlight tax cuts in late 2017.

Budget reconciliation still requires that laws approved under this special set of rules not worsen the deficit. It's unclear how much further tax cuts will not contribute to the national debt. This may require sophisticated accounting.

Even so, former President Trump will likely have slim majorities in the House and Senate if Republicans win. This is why GOPers must stay united.

“[Former President Trump] and I talk frequently about the election cycle, of course, and how we can accomplish the mission of restoring him to the White House, increasing the majority in the House and winning the Republican majority in the Senate,” Johnson said .

But critics say there is no agenda at all. It's just former President Trump.

Former President Donald Trump leads a Republican National Committee spring donor retreat in Palm Beach, Florida, May 4, 2024. (Donald Trump 2024 Campaign)

“The Constitution doesn't matter to them. None of that matters to them. The only thing that matters is the pursuit of power,” said Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat of California, who is running for Senate.

Democrats plan to tie former President Trump to vulnerable Republicans facing competitive re-elections in conflicting states or districts.

“They're going to have to defend this approach that they've taken over the next few months before November to the American people,” said House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.

“As November quickly approaches, Republicans continue to show the American people where they really stand with MAGA extremists and not the American majority,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Y.

President Biden and the Democrats have long telegraphed their election strategy. They will run this fall against three opponents: the Republicans. Former President Trump. And now, the Supreme Court.

That's why Democrats are stepping up their attacks on conservative Supreme Court justices, in light of controversies over judicial conduct and controversial rulings on guns and abortion.


“It seems like [Supreme Court] Justice [Samuel] Alito is an insurgent sympathizer, joined by his right-wing friend, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence Thomas,” Jeffries said.

Democrats accuse Thomas and Alito of questionable ethics.

They criticize Thomas for taking lavish escapades at the expense of GOP megadonors.

“He did it 60 times. He was a demon on vacation. My Lord!” ” thundered Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., on the Senate floor.

The left targets Alito for displaying controversial flags at his home.

“I believe in the heritage of [Chief Justice John] Roberts Court will be a place of unchecked corruption and absolute politicization,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

A lawyer for Thomas says ethics rules don't require him to report such trips – as long as the donors don't have cases in court.

Alito said his wife flew the flags.

Republicans argue that Democrats' complaints are a cover-up for what actually remains of the needles.

“Democrats don’t like the fact that judges make certain decisions,” said Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo.

Liberal media and Democratic Party leaders used the classic colonial-era flag “Call to Heaven” to link Supreme Court Justice Alito to the January 6 insurrectionists. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, file)

Thus, progressives attempt to restrict the powers of the Court.

“I'm for term limits on congressmen. on senators. on Supreme Court justices. Let's put some new blood in there,” said Rep. Ro Khanna, Democrat of California.

Democrat Demands Chief Justice Roberts Penalize Associate Justices.

“He can say that Justice Alito no longer writes majority opinions. He can say that Justice Alito no longer presides over a circuit,” said. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.

Republicans are dismayed by these ultimatums.

“They want the Supreme Court to submit to Congress,” Cornyn said.

Top Republicans say the attacks are just politics.

“It's an election year. And they're trying to make much ado about nothing,” Johnson said.

But Democrats don't appear to be at odds when it comes to election strategy.

“Democrats, election after election after election, since Roe v. Wade fell in 2022, are winning,” Jeffries said.


So, before the election, former President Trump needs Congressional Republicans. These same Republican lawmakers need him. But Democrats also have their needs: former President Trump and the right-leaning Supreme Court.

Chad Pergram is currently a senior congressional correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC). He joined the network in September 2007 and is based in Washington, DC.




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