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President Joko Widodo and Ms. Iriana conducted a direct inspection of the tidal flood control project in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City,

President Joko Widodo and Ms. Iriana conducted a direct inspection of the tidal flood control project in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City, President Joko Widodo and Ms. Iriana conducted a direct inspection of the tidal flood control project in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City, Central Java Province, Monday, June 17, 2024. The project, which is taking place in the village area of fishermen, has a 3.6 kilometer long sea wall designed to withstand tidal flooding for at least the next 30 years.

“This is a project for tidal control and structuring of the Tambak Lorok fishing village area, the length of the tidal embankment is 3.6 kilos (meters), 3.6 kilos long for the control of tides in Tambak Lorok and also the structuring of fishing villages “I think that within a minimum period of 30 years, this can prevent thefts from happening,” President Jokowi said in his statement after the inspection. .

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This project with an investment of IDR 386 billion also includes the development of fishing villages. Currently, the project has reached 85 percent and is expected to be completed in August 2024.

“It will be finished in August. If this is good, the layout of fishing villages is good, then it can be replicated and copied for other areas. “At least there are no examples in the past,” added the head of state.

On another occasion, the head of the Pemali Juana River Basin Center (BBWS), Harya Muldianto, explained that this project involves the construction of a dike and two retention basins with a total area of ​​approximately 20 hectares to reduce the risk. flooding. The project also includes the construction of two pumping stations.

“There is also the construction of a two-unit pumping station. Each pumping station has a pumping capacity of 3 × 500 liters per second. “We built all of this to anticipate the risk of tidal flooding,” Harya explains.

Harya added that this project is also strategic because it is located in a residential area of ​​fishermen whose activities are often disrupted due to floods and tidal waves. This project constitutes an important step in securing and supporting fishing activities in Tambak Lorok.

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“If there is a tidal wave or flood, the activities of fishermen will be disrupted, that is why in the Tambak Lorok area, measures will be taken,” he said.

The flood and tidal control project as well as the development of the Tambak Lorok fishing village itself were carried out in two stages. The first stage in 2016-2017 is to secure the ship parking area, the second stage in 2022-2024 is to secure the residential areas, social facilities and public facilities around Tambak Lorok.

Photo of President Jokowi accompanied by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono during the inspection of the construction of Phase II of flood and theft control and development of the fishing village area in Semarang, Central Java , Monday (6/17/2024)

Photo of President Jokowi accompanied by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono during the inspection of the construction of Phase II of flood and theft control and development of the fishing village area in Semarang, Central Java , Monday (6/17/2024) (PUPR Public Communications Office)

Acting Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono also accompanied President Jokowi and Ms Iriana during the review. Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana and Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunarti Rahayu.




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