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Happy fourth birthday to Donald Trump learning what Juneteenth is

Happy fourth birthday to Donald Trump learning what Juneteenth is


In honor of Donald Trump learning about Juneteenth four years after his administration issued its first Juneteenth statement, DNC Outreach Communications Director Tracy King released the following statement:

Four years ago, on Juneteenth, Donald Trump offended Black Americans in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and across the country, when he attempted to hold one of his extreme MAGA rallies in the very city where a white mob burned down a thriving black business district without much effort. like even knowing the history of this sacred place where he was to speak or the meaning of Juneteenth. Years after taking office, Trump didn't even know what Juneteenth was, but he still had the audacity to erase civil rights advocates and leaders who fought for generations to make become aware of this important day in American history by claiming that it was he who created June 19. famous and that before him, no one had ever heard of it as if black people had not been celebrating this holiday across the country for generations. If Trump was confused about the significance of this holiday, he could have asked the administration official who wrote his June 19 statement that he didn't even know his White House had released it.

For Black Americans, it was just another reminder that our communities and our history are an afterthought or worse, a target for Trump at every turn. Trump's MAGAnomics agenda has shut out Black businesses, destroyed Black workers' jobs, and left Black children behind. Trump has been peddling racist stereotypes about black people for decades, and selling wannabe Jordans and photo t-shirts isn't going to make us forget. Just like when he demanded the execution of the young, innocent black and brown children of the Central Park Five, now called the Exonerated Five, Trump is wrong and wrong.

SHOT: Donald Trump claimed he made Juneteenth famous even though he had never heard of it until he tried to hold a racially insensitive rally on the holiday.

Wall Street Journal: On racial issues, Mr. Trump said a black Secret Service agent explained the meaning of Juneteenth to him as the president faced criticism for initially planning to hold his first campaign rally in three months that day.

The rally is expected to take place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where in 1921 a mob of white residents attacked and killed members of the black community, destroying a thriving black business district.

Holding a rally that day, especially as racial protests continued across the country, was insensitive, African American leaders told Mr. Trump. He finally postponed the gathering by one day, to June 20.

I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous, Mr. Trump said, referring to media coverage of the rally date. It's actually an important event, an important moment. But no one had ever heard of it.

CHASER: Trump is so out of touch with reality that he was shocked to learn that his own administration had issued a statement celebrating Juneteenth.

Wall Street Journal: Mr. Trump said he asked many people around him, none of whom had heard of Juneteenth. Mr. Trump interrupted the interview to ask an aide if she had heard of Juneteenth, and she pointed out that the White House had issued a statement last year commemorating the day. Mr. Trump's White House has issued statements on June 19 in each of his first three years.

Oh really? We issued a statement? The Trump White House released a statement? » said Mr. Trump. OK OK. GOOD.

President Joe Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday during his first year in office, making it the first national holiday established since Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

New York Times: Biden signs law making June 19 a federal holiday

President Biden signed legislation Thursday making Juneteenth a federal holiday, making Juneteenth the national day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.

All Americans can feel the power of this day and learn from our history, Biden said at a White House ceremony, noting that it was the first national holiday since the anniversary. by Martin Luther King in 1983.

He said signing the law was one of the highest honors he would have as president.

The law took effect immediately, making Friday the first federal holiday on Juneteenth.

Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery in the United States, but Donald Trump has repeatedly denounced the removal of Confederate statues and invited white supremacists to dinner.

Axios: Former President Trump dined and chatted with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, at his Mar-a-Lago resort Tuesday evening, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

The Guardian: Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacists and violent right-wing groups during a contentious first presidential debate, instead urging a far-right group known for its street brawls to stand by and claim that Someone needs to do something for the left.

CNN: Trump's defense of very good people at Charlottesville white nationalist march makes David Duke gush

CNN: President Donald Trump on Thursday denounced the removal of monuments to Confederate figures as sad and senseless, days after white supremacists and neo-Nazis visited Charlottesville, Virginia, to violently protest the removal planned for a statue of Confederate General Robert. E. Lee.

TIME: Donald Trump refuses to condemn the KKK and disavows support for David Duke

The Hill: President Trump said Wednesday he won't even consider renaming military bases named after Confederate military leaders after top Pentagon officials indicated recently they were open to the idea. In a series of tweets, Trump asserted that the bases were now part of U.S. history and should not be tampered with.

Trump said the quiet part out loud when he insisted that black people liked him more because he was a convicted felon, blatantly peddling racial stereotypes.

Trump, saying the black community embraced him because he was indicted on criminal charges: You see black people walking around with my picture.

Trump: Would you rather have the black president or the white president? I think they want the white guy.

Trump claimed to know black people because they built his buildings.

Trump: These lights are so bright to my eyes that I can't see too many people. …I only see black people. I don't see any white ones, you see. That's how far I've come. It's far away, isn't it?

Trump said black people loved him because he was discriminated against.

Let's not forget that Trump's MAGAnomics agenda has driven up black unemployment, made college more expensive while attempting to cut funding for HBCUs, and his tax scam has excluded people of color and who needed funding the most.

Associated Press: President Donald Trump exaggerates his role in bringing economic gains to Black Americans.

THE FACTS: Trump seeks credit he doesn't deserve for black job growth. He is also wrong to assert that Democrats have done nothing to improve the economic situation of African Americans.

New York Times: Tax Break for Children, Except for Those Who Need It Most

But children with the greatest economic needs are those least likely to benefit.

While Republicans say the increase shows concern for ordinary families, 35 percent of children don't get the full $2,000 because their parents earn too little, Columbia University researchers found . A quarter receive a partial sum and 10 percent receive nothing. Among those excluded from full credit are half of Latinos, 53 percent of blacks and 70 percent of children of single mothers.

KFF News: 2016-2018: The number of uninsured Black Americans increased by nearly 300,000 during the first two years of the Trump administration, marking the first increase in the uninsured Black rate since 2013.

Mother Jones: Trump not only proposed defunding HBCUs, but also called for cutting millions of dollars from federal programs that support degree programs at the schools. Taken together, these cuts would disproportionately affect low-income students at black colleges and would be costly. schools have millions in revenue.

Associated Press: Education advocates say President Donald Trump's budget contradicts his campaign promise to make college more affordable with his proposed elimination of subsidized student loans and cuts to other programs that help students to pay their tuition fees. When he accepted the Republican presidential nomination last year, Trump said: “We're going to work with all of our students who are drowning in debt to take the pressure off these people who are just starting out in their studies.” adult life. Huge problem.




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