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Republicans rush to draft bills enshrining Donald Trump's idea of ​​not taxing tips

Republicans rush to draft bills enshrining Donald Trump's idea of ​​not taxing tips


WASHINGTON Republicans have never proposed a tax break on tipping before, but now that Donald Trump has embraced the idea, several lawmakers are writing it into legislation.

Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said Wednesday he will soon draft a bill to eliminate federal taxes on tips.

This is a stroke of genius on the part of President Trump, and it shows the American people how sensitive he is to the challenges of the working class in our great country, said Daines, leader of the Republican Senate campaign. , on Fox Business Wednesday.

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) have a head start on Daines, having already introduced a bill Tuesday that would reduce federal taxes on tips, which are treated as same way as the ordinary wages of workers. for tax purposes.

As the cost of living continues to rise, hardworking men and women in the service industry, many of whom may be working second jobs to make ends meet, must be allowed to keep every tipped dollar that they win, Gaetz said in a statement. release.

Trump first floated the idea earlier this month in Nevada, a battleground state with a strong leisure and hospitality sector, where tipping is most common.

“For the hospitality workers and the people who receive tips, you will be very happy because when I take office, we will not impose taxes on tips,” Trump said at a rally in Nevada on June 9.

Trump narrowly lost Nevada to Joe Biden in 2020, and the tipping proposal is a clear effort to improve his chances in their rematch in November.

The proposal has some potential downsides for Republicans, including its cost. An analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a group that opposes deficit spending, said making taxes tip-free would cost the government between $150 billion and $250 billion over 10 years.

The fiscal cost could reach $500 billion if tipping becomes more common, which would be likely if the government gives tips such favorable tax treatment. Social Security, Medicare, and income taxes typically take a significant portion of each W-2 employee's paycheck.

In practice, exempting tips from tax would lead workers and employers to reclassify ordinary income as tips where possible and could lead to a broader shift toward lower base pay and higher tips, more broadly, said the CRFB in its analysis.

Already, Americans are telling pollsters that requests for advice have expanded to more types of businesses, with a large majority saying they don't like the practice.

It's unclear whether tipping bills will become a Republican priority next year, as the sweeping tax cuts signed by Trump in 2017 expire (and Nevada's electoral votes have been counted). Republicans have previously said they want to make the cuts permanent, which would cost a staggering $4 trillion over a decade. Lawmakers might be reluctant to add several hundred billion to that total.

There are all kinds of dynamics that aren't even known yet, so we're evaluating what we know now and discussing different approaches that might be possible, said Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), the top Republican in the House. Senate Tax Committee, at HuffPost. Tuesday.




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