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Mark Cuban's Commentary on Donald Trump Takes Off Online

Mark Cuban's Commentary on Donald Trump Takes Off Online


Mark Cuban's comment about Donald Trump is gaining steam online, with the business mogul saying “he doesn't hate” the former president.

The 65-year-old is a vocal critic of the former president and recently went viral for his ongoing social media feud with country music star John Rich over his support for the Republican politician.

On Monday, a user on X, the social network formerly known as Twitter, asked Cuban: “Why do you hate Trump so much? What is it that you can't stand about this guy?”

Main: Mark Cuban on December 3, 2022, in New York. Inset: Donald Trump on June 15, 2024, in Detroit, Michigan. The entrepreneur is a vocal critic of Trump and supports Biden in 2024… Main: Mark Cuban on December 3, 2022, in New York. Inset: Donald Trump on June 15, 2024, in Detroit, Michigan. The entrepreneur is a vocal critic of Trump and supports Biden in the 2024 presidential election. More from Mike Stobe/Bill Pugliano/Stringer/Getty Images

In response, Cuban said, “I don't hate the guy. I just don't want him to be president.”

Since its publication on Monday, Cuban's response has been viewed more than 166,000 times.

Newsweek has reached out to a representative for Donald Trump for comment via email.

Mark Cuban, a staunch critic of Donald Trump

Cuban has publicly criticized Trump several times in recent years.

During an appearance on Bill Maher's 2022 Club Random podcast, the Shark Tank star suggested that Trump had irreversibly changed the political landscape.

Comparing Trump to “political chemotherapy,” Cuban said: “…a lot of [chemotherapy patients] die. A lot of systems are changing.”

“My kids, when they're 60 years old and say, hopefully, let's say, look, we went through, the country went through some shit when I was a kid, but we learned from it,” he said. -he continued.

“I think we're starting to learn from what happened. You see them throwing it under the bus.”

In a 2020 interview with USA Today, the entrepreneur didn't hold back, calling Trump an “idiot” on his approach to running the country.

“Look, personally, I don’t have a problem with this guy,” Cuban said. “Now, professionally, as president, I think he's an idiot. You know, I never thought he was smart talking to him.”

In March, Cuban called the 78-year-old a “snake oil salesman,” telling Axios that he supported Joe Biden in the November general election. Trump and the president are the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees for 2024, having won enough delegate votes in the presidential primaries.

Comparing Trump to Biden, Cuban said, “It's the snake oil salesman versus the traditional sitting politician.”

“One will tell you that his snake oil will cure all your ills. The other will show you the details of his policies through charts, graphs and statements.”

Hailing Biden as “precise and methodical,” Cuban said Trump voters “are happy with their snake oil, whether it works or not.”

The comments echo similar remarks made by the former Dallas Mavericks owner to Bloomberg, in which he said he would support Biden over Trump, even if the Democratic politician was on his deathbed.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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