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Donald Trump hit by devastating Fox News poll

Donald Trump hit by devastating Fox News poll


Donald Trump trailed President Joe Biden in a Fox News 2024 presidential poll for the first time since late last year.

A survey of 1,095 registered voters by the conservative news network showed Biden leading his presumed Republican rival by two points (50% to 48%).

In a previous Fox News poll from May, Trump was ahead of Biden by one point (49% to 48%). The former president also enjoyed a five-point lead over Biden in March (50% to 45%), meaning there has been a significant swing in favor of the Democratic incumbent over the past three months.

The last time Biden beat Trump in a Fox News poll was in October 2023, when the president had a 49% to 48% lead.

Donald Trump during a rally at Festival Park on June 18, 2024, in Racine, Wisconsin. A Fox News poll showed Trump two points behind Joe Biden. Donald Trump during a rally at Festival Park on June 18, 2024, in Racine, Wisconsin. A Fox News poll showed Trump two points behind Joe Biden. Scott Olson/Getty Images The context

With less than five months until the November election, polls often suggest the race between Biden and Trump will be neck and neck.

The June Fox News poll was the network's first since Trump became the first U.S. president in history to be convicted of a crime. A jury found him guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records during his historic secret trial. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and accused the investigation of being a politically motivated “witch hunt” aimed at preventing him from winning the 2024 election.

According to Fox News, other factors contributing to Biden's improvement in the polls include more voters considering the U.S. economy to be in “excellent or good” shape, and the president recently announcing policies stricter immigration regulations.

What we know

In addition to being ahead in the direct confrontation with Trump, Biden is ahead by one point (43% against 42%) when other candidates for the White House in 2024 are presented in the survey. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. came in third with 10 percent, and Cornel West and Jill Stein both received 2 percent support.

In the previous Fox News survey, Trump led Biden 43% to 40% when independent and third-party candidates were added to the poll.

When the June results are analyzed further, Biden received the support of 73% of black voters. Although this key demographic still largely prefers the Democrat, that figure is far lower than the 92% support Biden reportedly received from Black voters in his 2020 election victory.

There was also a nine-point gap among independent voters favoring Biden compared to the May Fox News poll.

Independent votes could prove pivotal in determining who wins the 2024 elections, particularly in key states where the margin of victory could be very narrow.

Voters who feel better about the economy appear to be helping Biden. Some 32% said the economy was in excellent or good health, the highest number since Biden took office in January 2021. The previous high was 30%, recorded in May and September 2021.

In total, 50 percent said they were making progress or remaining stable financially, up 5 points since last summer. Polls show 44% of voters also feel optimistic about the economy, up nine points from 2023.

The Fox News poll was conducted June 14-17 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research® among 1,095 registered voters. The results have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.


Democrat Chris Anderson, who leads the Fox News surveys, said: “There's not a lot of movement in this poll since May, but it's enough to make it a welcome poll for Biden.”

“Improving voter preferences is one thing, but perhaps more importantly, we've seen a notable erosion of Trump's advantage on the economy and immigration, while Biden has built on his advantages in abortion and health care . “

Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who also conducted the Fox News poll, said: “The underlying demographic trends that defined the race remain in place.

“Biden has improved slightly among women and seniors, keeping him afloat despite significant reductions from 2020 in support among younger voters and African Americans.”

Uncommon Knowledge

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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