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Dalai Lamas' legacy will live on and Xi will be gone, says Nancy Pelosi | News from India

Dalai Lamas' legacy will live on and Xi will be gone, says Nancy Pelosi |  News from India


The Dalai Lama's legacy will live forever and no one will give any credit to Chinese President Xi Jinping, former US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday after meeting the Tibetan spiritual leader in Dharamshala , in Himachal Pradesh.

In a strong statement against the Chinese president, Pelosi, who is part of a bipartisan US congressional delegation, said the former would be gone and no one would give him credit.

The delegation is led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul and includes Pelosi, now Speaker Emeritus, and prominent US Congressmen Mariannette Miller, Gregory Meeks, Nicole Malliotakis , Jim McGovern and Ami Bera.

Although the Dalai Lama meets with diplomats and foreign visitors, this delegation is one of the most powerful American delegations in recent years. Pelosi has been at the forefront of challenging Beijing, as she visited Taiwan in August 2022.

Pelosi, addressing Tibetans in Dharamsala, said: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, with his message of knowledge, tradition, compassion, purity of soul and love, will live long and his legacy will live forever. But you, the Chinese president, will leave and no one will give you credit for anything.

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She also said the Dalai Lama would not approve of her comments against the Chinese. When I criticize the Chinese government, he said, let's pray that Nancy rids her of her negative attitudes. Separately, US Congressional Representative Gregory Meeks said China can express its dissatisfaction if it wishes. We will stand up for what is right. What is right is to guarantee the freedom of Tibetans. They can return to their homeland and maintain their culture and history… That’s what’s important.

Last week, the US Congress passed a bill urging Beijing to re-engage with the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan leaders to peacefully resolve their dispute over the status and governance of Tibet. The US House of Representatives has passed the bill promoting a resolution on the Tibet issue. -The China Dispute Act, also known as the Resolve Tibet Act, and it must now be signed by President Joe Biden to become law. You heard our colleagues talk about this bill passed last week. We have been fighting this for a long time and in the spirituality of His Holiness, through maneuvering within Congress, we have made progress. “But it's different now with the passage of this bill (Resolve Tibet Act) because this bill is a message to the Chinese government that we have clarity in our thinking and our understanding of this issue of freedom of Tibet,” Pelosi said.

This bill says to the Chinese government: things have changed now, prepare for this, she said. McCaul, the Republican representative, said he reaffirmed U.S. support for the Tibetans' right to self-determination.

Just this week, our delegation received a letter from the Chinese Communist Party warning us not to come here… but we did not let the CCP intimidate us because we are here today, he said.

The Chinese Embassy in New Delhi reacted strongly to the delegation's visit on Tuesday and urged the US side to adhere to its commitments to recognize Xizang as part of China. China officially calls Tibet Xizang. China will take resolute measures to firmly defend its sovereignty, security and development interests, said the Chinese Embassy spokesperson. The spokesperson said: “Everyone knows that the 14th #Dalai Lama is not a pure religious figure, but a political exile engaged in anti-China separatist activities… We urge the US side to fully recognize the separatist nature anti-China group of the Dalai Lama and to honor the commitments that the United States has made to China on issues related to Xizang…




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