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“Boom Boom Afridi faces challenges: Afridis’ transition from hero to zero status in Pakistan attributed to several factors”

“Boom Boom Afridi faces challenges: Afridis’ transition from hero to zero status in Pakistan attributed to several factors”


Tariq Bhat

Shahid Afridis' transition from hero to zero status in Pakistan can be attributed to several factors. His once famous legacy of defying the impossible on the cricket field, earning him the nickname Boom Boom, has faced challenges.

Controversial Statements: Afridi's outspoken views and controversial statements have raised doubts about his judgment and

impartiality. His comments on political issues attracted criticism, which had an impact on his reputation1.

Shehbaz Sharif Endorsement: Despite the backlash, Afridi congratulated Shehbaz Sharif on taking over as Prime Minister. This decision further strained his position, especially given the political context.

Public scrutiny: As a prominent figure, Afridis' actions are closely monitored. Any misstep can erode credibility, and his recent choices don't always match public expectations.

Shehbaz Sharif, the younger brother of three-time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, has been elected Prime Minister of Pakistan for a second term. His party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), secured 201 votes in the National Assembly, beating rival Omer Ayub Khan of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, led by the former jailer . Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The victory comes after an inconclusive general election marred by allegations of intimidation and electoral fraud. Although independent candidates backed by Imran Khan's PTI won the most seats, they failed to secure a majority.

Shehbaz Sharif's first term as prime minister began in 2022 when Imran Khan was ousted by a vote of no confidence in Parliament. The PML-N and the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) formed a coalition government to replace Khan.

Criticism of Afridis and political speculation:

Shahid Afridi, the famous Pakistani cricketer, called Shehbaz Sharif the most honest leader. However, his criticism of Imran Khan sparked controversy and criticism from his own fans.

Sources suggest that Afridi may be considering entering politics and he has reportedly received offers from Nawaz Sharif. Additionally, there are claims that Afridi donated money to the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N).

Former Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi recently expressed his views on the current political crisis in Pakistan. Amid the post-election unrest, Afridi criticized the situation where the common man is bombarded with new stories every day, while his real problems, such as inflation and unemployment, persist. He urged decision-makers to come together and get the country out of this chaotic situation. The 46-year-old stressed unity among all stakeholders, stressing that the future of the next generations is bleak.

Interestingly, this is not the first time Afridi has meddled in political issues. In March 2022, he called for at least one constitutional term of elected government to be completed, regardless of party affiliation. And when Shehbaz Sharif took over as Pakistan's 23rd Prime Minister after Imran Khan's ouster, Afridi was criticized for praising the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader. Despite the negative reactions, Afridi affirmed that his gesture had no political or personal interest23.

Shahid Afridi, former Pakistani cricket team captain, prominent social figure and philanthropist, faced heavy criticism from PTI supporters after he commented on the current political situation in the country. Recently, he spoke about the current political unrest, expressing disappointment despite the 2024 national elections being held. Afridi stressed the need for policymakers to take serious steps to address the crisis. Notably, after Shehbaz Sharif assumed office as the 23rd Prime Minister of Pakistan, Afridi congratulated him, further fueling the controversy. Despite the backlash, Afridi maintained that his views were independent and meant no disrespect to anyone.

Status of Imran Khan:

Imran Khan, the former prime minister, faced legal challenges and was barred from running in recent elections. His party, the PTI, ran as independent but won more seats than any other party.

Although he is behind bars, Imran Khan remains a prominent figure in Pakistani politics. His supporters continue to protest and criticize the current government.

Pakistan's political landscape remains vibrant, with Shehbaz Sharif securing a second term as prime minister and Shahid Afridi's participation in political discussions. The credibility of different leaders continues to be a subject of debate in the country




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