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Republican Bob Good faces Trump-backed challenger in Virginia primary election

Republican Bob Good faces Trump-backed challenger in Virginia primary election


Republican Rep. Bob Good, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, found himself in a tight fight Tuesday night against a challenger backed by powerful Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Just a few hundred votes separated Sen. John McGuire in the lead and Good closely behind him in Virginia's deep-red 5th District on Tuesday evening. If the margin remains less than 1 percentage point, the losing candidate may request a recount within 10 days of certification of the election results, in accordance with Virginia state law.

Good risks becoming the first sitting lawmaker to lose to a primary challenger this year.

In an article on He appeared to hint at the possibility of a recount and said the process could take weeks to declare a winner.

We are in a period where the law provides a process to evaluate the accuracy of all vote totals beginning on Election Day to ensure that everyone can have full confidence in the certified results, Good said on X.

We think we can still win.

Good drew McCarthy's ire, as did one of the eight Republicans who voted to oust him last year. McGuire vastly outspent Good on the airwaves, and McCarthy-aligned outside groups also outspent allies of Virginia congressmen, according to ad tracking firm AdImpact.

This is Kevin McCarthy's revenge tour, Good told NBC News Friday at an event in Goochland, Virginia.

He has apparently dedicated his life to trying to get revenge on those he holds responsible for not being president, except himself, Good later added. But the people of the 5th District will not be bought.

McGuire also had the most coveted endorsement in the GOP primaries: Trump.

McGuire thanked Trump Tuesday night by declaring victory, even though the race remains very close.

This is a time when we need to come together because we still have a lot of work to do. I'm your Republican candidate, but I'm not going to take it lightly, Good said during his election night, according to a live broadcast of his election night speech on ABC13.

McGuire said Trump was a big part of our victory and I won't forget him.

The challenger put things a little further in a campaign statement: “There are still a few votes to count, but it is clear that all paths lead to victory.”

The former president endorsed McGuire three weeks before Tuesday's primary, making a veiled reference to Good's support of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the presidential primary. Trump's subsequent endorsement was not enough to put him in the former president's good graces.

After endorsing McGuire, Trump appeared in a television ad and held a tele-rally for McGuire Monday night, telling his supporters that John is running against Bob Good, who is no good. Despite his name, he is very bad for Virginia.

McGuire, a former Navy SEAL whose campaign slogan was “We can do better than right,” told NBC News Friday at a community concert in Powhatan that Trump's support had been helpful in the race.

A lot of people said I don't know anything about you, I've never met you before, but if Trump supports you, I've got you, McGuire said. I believe that with everything Trump has been through, he has earned the right to take the lead and choose his team.

But Good is no stranger to running against a Trump-backed candidate. In 2020, Good defeated then-Rep. Denver Riggleman at a party convention, held via drive-thru amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Oklahoma Republican Rep. Tom Cole was also in the running Tuesday, but defeated his primary opponent, businessman Paul Bondar, who spent millions of dollars of his own money on the race. Cole, who chairs the powerful House Appropriations Committee, received a boost from Trump in the race and recently told NBC News that Trump's support has been extremely helpful to him as he faces the toughest primary competitive and the most expensive since its first election in 2002.

Bondar loaned his campaign $5.1 million of his own money, running ads accusing Cole of losing touch with the 4th District and spending too much time in the nation's capital. Bondar also said Cole was not conservative enough, pointing to Cole's support for government spending and aid to Ukraine.

Cole and his allies blanketed the airwaves with ads accusing Bondar of actually being a Texan. Bondar owns property in Oklahoma, outside the 4th District, but he voted in the Texas primary in March.

Elsewhere in Virginia on Tuesday, Republican voters chose Navy veteran Hung Cao to take on Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine in November, according to NBC News projects. Cao, who had Trump's support in the race, led the Republican field in fundraising and beat two other GOP contenders.

Cao unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2022, losing by nearly 7 points to Democratic Rep. Jennifer Wexton. He enters a tough race against Kaine, who is seeking a third term in a state that has sent Democrats to the Senate in recent years. Biden won the state by 10 points in 2020 and Kaine won a second term in 2018 by 17 points.

In the House, Democrats are also choosing a candidate to take on Republican Jen Kiggans in the 2nd District, and both parties are choosing their candidates in the 7th and 10th Districts.

Retired Army Col. Yevgeny Eugene Vindman is expected to win the Democratic nomination in the 7th District, giving Democrats a high-profile candidate with military experience and strong fundraising abilities. He hopes to hold the Democratic seat in the fall despite the Democratic Party's decision. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, another top fundraiser with national security experience, is running for governor.

Vindman gained national prominence during Trump's first impeachment trial, when he and his brother raised concerns, from their seats on the National Security Council, about Trump's phone conversation with the Ukrainian president in 2019 . Although he was a first-time candidate, he was by far. and by far the best fundraiser in the race, and received support from outside groups on the airwaves as he ran against more experienced local politicians.

He will face Derrick Anderson, a former Green Beret, who defeated former Navy SEAL Cameron Hamilton in a clash between the establishment and the party's insurgent wings. Anderson was backed by a super PAC linked to McCarthy and Republican megadonors, as well as House Speaker Mike Johnson.

In the 10th District, Sen. Suhas Subramanyam is expected to win the crowded and costly Democratic primary in Virginia's 10th District, where Democratic Rep. Jennifer Wexton is not seeking re-election after being diagnosed with a rare and serious illness called paralysis progressive supranuclear. .

Subramanyam earned Wexton's endorsement, which helped distinguish him from a large group of well-funded Democrats that included state Rep. Dan Helmer, the former speaker of the state Assembly, Eileen Filler-Corn, and former Defense Department official Krystle Kaul. He will control the district for Democrats in the fall, as Democrats have performed well recently in this suburban Washington, D.C., district and will face Republican businessman and lawyer Mike Clancy.

Kiggans will face Democrat Missy Cotter Smasal, a military veteran who had been endorsed by all of Virginia's Democratic members of the House of Representatives. This is a swing district that will likely be competitive in the fall, but Kiggans has a significant fundraising advantage and defeated a Democratic incumbent there to win the seat in 2022.

Georgia also held its runoff in an election where no candidate won a majority of primary votes in March.

In the Democratic-leaning 2nd District, activist Chuck Hand, who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor in connection with the January 6, 2021 attack, lost the runoff for the Republican nomination.

And Trump's former White House political director, Brian Jack, is expected to win the Republican Party primary runoff against state Sen. Mike Dugan. The Republican will be the heavy favorite to win in November to replace retiring GOP Rep. Drew Ferguson.




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