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Decryption: What is fueling the Sino-Philippine conflict in the South China Sea? | External Affairs Defense Security News

Decryption: What is fueling the Sino-Philippine conflict in the South China Sea?  |  External Affairs Defense Security News


Xi Jinping, Jinping, Chinese president

Xi Jinping, Jinping, Chinese president (Photo: Reuters)

Great drama unfolded on a contested bench in the South China Sea Monday when more than eight Chinese Coast Guard motorboats charged and repeatedly rammed two Philippine Navy inflatable boats. Chinese personnel boarded and damaged Philippine ships, escalating tensions between the two nations.

Philippine officials say Chinese forces attacked to prevent the Philippine Navy from delivering supplies, including food and firearms, to troops stationed on the Second Thomas Shoal, claimed by China, according to a report from the Associated Press news agency.

Chinese coast guard personnel reportedly boarded the Philippine ships and seized eight M4 rifles, navigation equipment and other supplies, two Philippine security officials told The Associated Press. Several members of the Philippine Navy were injured in the clash, including one who lost his right thumb.

This comes days after a Chinese ship and a Philippine supply ship collided near Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed Spratly Islands. Both countries blamed each other for the incident, with the United States condemning China for aggression and provocation.

What is the South China Sea dispute?

The South China Sea, located just south of mainland China, is bordered by Brunei, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. Territorial conflicts in this region have a long history, but tensions have increased significantly in recent years.

The United States has increased its military presence and naval activity in the region to counter China's aggressive territorial claims and safeguard its own political and economic interests. Additionally, the United States has provided arms and aid to countries opposed to China's territorial claims.

How important is the South China Sea?

The South China Sea is very valuable because of its large reserves of oil and natural gas, which the United States Energy Information Administration estimates contains 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The region is also home to rich fishing grounds, which provide a vital source of income for millions of people. The BBC reported that more than half of the world's fishing vessels operate in this area.

The South China Sea is above all a major trade route. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, more than 21 percent of global trade, valued at $3.37 trillion, passes through these waters.

What is the nine-dash line?

The nine-dash line represents China's territorial claims in the South China Sea on Chinese maps. Initially composed of eleven dashes, it was modified in 1953 by the Chinese government. This line encompasses approximately 90% of the South China Sea, including areas such as Scarborough Reef and Second Thomas Bank, although it is far from the Chinese mainland and close to the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam .

China bases its claims on historic maritime rights, although it has not clearly defined the coordinates of the nine-dash line. These claims go far beyond what is permitted under international maritime law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which China has signed.

For example, while the Scarborough Shoal lies within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone (EEZ), China points to its historical ties to the region, citing evidence of Chinese sailors visiting and charting the shoal as early as the Song dynasty (960-1279 AD). . Similarly, China claims long-standing connections with the Paracel and Spratly islands, which are also contested by Vietnam, which claims its own historical sovereignty over these islands.

In 2016, an international tribunal ruled largely in favor of the Philippines in its dispute with China over Scarborough Reef, saying China's actions violated international law. Despite the ruling, China rejected the tribunal's authority and chose to ignore its decision.

First publication: June 20, 2024 | 4:18 p.m. EAST




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