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Jokowi calls Sri Mulyani Cs for IDR 16,400 in dollars, here is the result!

Jokowi calls Sri Mulyani Cs for IDR 16,400 in dollars, here is the result!


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) convened the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) due to the continued decline of the rupiah to the level of IDR 16,400 per US dollar.

Present were Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, LPS Board of Commissioners Chairman Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, BI Governor Perry Warjiyo and Financial Services Authority Board of Commissioners Chairman Mahendra Siregar. The meeting was also attended by the Coordinating Minister of Economy, Airlangga Hartanto.

“Together with BI Governor, OJK Chairman DK and LPS Chairman DK, in the KSSK forum, I also conveyed to the President the latest developments in market dynamics as well as the progress of our discussions APBN with the DPR,” Sri Mulyani said after the 1.5-hour meeting at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (20/6/2024)

Sri Mulyani explained that in terms of economic fundamentals, Indonesia tends to be better than other countries. Measured by high economic growth, controlled inflation and current account deficit.

However, the rupee came under pressure due to sentiment factors from global and domestic sources. On the global side, there is in particular uncertainty regarding the US benchmark interest rate policy and geopolitical tensions.

“We are monitoring how to minimize the negative impact of a decision on the federal funds rate, which would reduce interest rates several times as well as developments in Europe. Second, we also study movements in exchange rates and yields,” he said. said.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo at the KSSK press conference after meeting Jokowi.  (CNBC Indonesia/Emir Yanwardhana)Photo: Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo at the KSSK press conference after meeting Jokowi. (CNBC Indonesia/Emir Yanwardhana)

At the national level, investors are concerned about fiscal sustainability. Sri Mulyani assured that the management of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) would be carried out carefully. Especially on the debt side,

“We will continue to carefully manage the APBN 2024 which is currently underway. There are several things that are moving, such as the oil price exchange rate and the value of our returns on the SBN side. This will certainly affect our position and we have been monitoring this in terms of financial implications,” explained Sri Mulyani. .

Meanwhile, for 2025, which will be led by President-elect Prabowo Subianto, the APBN deficit is set between 2.21 and 2.8 percent.

“This provides a broader range. And it means that we will be able to maintain a prudent and sustainable fiscal plan while being able to adapt to the programs that will be implemented by the new government in 2025,” he said. -he concluded.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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